# Copyright for the scripts in this file (c) 2005 - 2006
# by Gerald Banon - INPE. All rights reserved.

# This script processes the INPE Clipping submitted files

if 0 {
source ../../../../../iconet.com.br/banon/2005/
set homePath {C:/Gerald/URLib 2}
set URLibServiceRepository dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/
set pwd {C:/Gerald/URLib 2/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/}
source utilities1.tcl
source cgi/mirrorfind-.tcl

namespace eval iconet.com.br/banon/2005/ {

# >
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script
# reference example:
# {%0 Newspaper Article} {%B O Globo} {%3 clipping.html} {%T Exemplo}
# Script is executed in RunPostSubmissionScript (see DDDialog.tcl)

proc Script {rep reference} {
	global homePath
	global pwd
#	upvar 0 rep currentRep	;# used by GetFrameName
	set thisRepository iconet.com.br/banon/2005/
	set docPath $homePath/col/$rep/doc
# set docPath $rep
#	set xxx OK
#	Store xxx $docPath/clipping.html
	set newspaper {}
	set pages {}
	set issuedate {}
	foreach field $reference {
		if {[string compare {%B} [lindex $field 0]] == 0} {set newspaper [lrange $field 1 end]}
		if {[string compare {%P} [lindex $field 0]] == 0} {set pages [lrange $field 1 end]}
		if {[string compare {%8} [lindex $field 0]] == 0} {set issuedate [lrange $field 1 end]}
	if [regexp {[-,;]} $pages] {
		set pageFieldName Páginas
	} else {
		set pageFieldName Página
	if [regexp {^(\d{4})-(\d{2})} $issuedate m year month] {
		if [regexp {^\d{4}-\d{2}-(\d{2})$} $issuedate m day] {
			set issuedate $day-$month-$year
		} else {
			set issuedate $month-$year
	cd $docPath
	set fileList [glob -nocomplain {*.[jJ][pP][gG]}]
	set fileList [concat $fileList [glob -nocomplain {*.[pP][dD][fF]}]]
	cd $pwd
	Load $homePath/col/$thisRepository/doc/ClippingModel.tcl clippingFileContent
	Load $homePath/col/$thisRepository/doc/HeaderModel.tcl headerFileContent
#	Load $homePath/col/$thisRepository/doc/PageModel.tcl pageFileContent	;# for use with iframe - add one more scroll bar
	if {[llength $fileList] == 1} {
		set cuts {}
		set height 95
		set headerName header1.html
		set fileName [join [lindex $fileList 0]]
		if [regexp {\.jpg$} $fileName] {
			Load $homePath/col/$thisRepository/doc/BodyModel.tcl bodyFileContent
			set image $fileName
			set fileContent [subst $bodyFileContent]
			Store fileContent $docPath/body1.html
			set fileName body1.html
			set openComment {}
			set closeComment {}
		} else {
# .pdf
			set fileName [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $fileName]
 			set openComment {}
#		set fileContent [subst $pageFileContent]
		set fileContent [subst $clippingFileContent]
		Store fileContent $docPath/clipping1.html
		set fileContent [subst $headerFileContent]
#		Store fileContent $docPath/header1.html	;# commented by GJFB in 2015-12-15
		Store fileContent $docPath/header1.html binary	;# added by GJFB in 2015-12-15 - binary solves the accent problem
	} else {
		set height 130
		set i 1
		foreach file $fileList {
			lappend fullPageList $i
			incr i
		set i 1
		foreach file $fileList {
			set j 1
			set cutList {}
			foreach file $fileList {
				if {$i == $j} {
					lappend cutList $j
				} else {
					lappend cutList "$j"
				incr j
			set cuts "Veja os recortes: [join $cutList { | }] 

" set headerName header$i.html set fileName [join [lindex $fileList [expr $i - 1]]] if [regexp {\.jpg$} $fileName] { Load $homePath/col/$thisRepository/doc/BodyModel.tcl bodyFileContent set image $fileName set fileContent [subst $bodyFileContent] Store fileContent $docPath/body$i.html set fileName body$i.html set openComment {} set closeComment {} } else { # .pdf set fileName [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $fileName] set openComment {} } # set fileContent [subst $pageFileContent] set fileContent [subst $clippingFileContent] Store fileContent $docPath/clipping$i.html set fileContent [subst $headerFileContent] # Store fileContent $docPath/header$i.html ;# commented by GJFB in 2015-12-1 Store fileContent $docPath/header$i.html binary ;# added by GJFB in 2015-12-15 - binary solves the accent problem incr i } } return clipping1.html ;# target file name } # Script - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # < } if 0 { set reference {{%0 Newspaper Article} {%B O Globo} {%3 clipping.html} {%T Exemplo}} set rep iconet.com.br/banon/2005/ iconet.com.br/banon/2005/ $rep $reference } #