# Copyright for the Uniform Repository Service (c) 1995 - 2022,
# by Gerald Banon. All rights reserved.
# Version 2.1
# test2
if 0 {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# TestExecute
proc TestExecute {} {
global env
global serverAddress ;# used in SetFieldValue
global serverAddressWithIP ;# used in Set
global homePath ;# used in Execute (async)
global tcl_platform
set col ../../../../..
set URLibServiceRepository $env(URLIB_SERVICE_REP)
source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities1.tcl
source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/cgi/mirrorfind-.tcl
# serverAddressWithIP
set serverAddressWithIP [list $env(IP_ADDR) $env(URLIB_PORT)]
# serverAddress
set serverAddress [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)]
# homePath
set homePath $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)
# loCoInRep
set loCoInRep $env(LOCOINREP)
puts {Content-Type: text/plain}
puts {}
if 1 {
set staticIPFlag [list [Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list ReturnStaticIPFlag] 0]]
} else {
set staticIPFlag 0
if 1 {
# puts "serverAddressWithIP [list $serverAddressWithIP]"
puts "serverAddress = [list $serverAddress]"
# puts "staticIPFlag = $staticIPFlag - if the value is empty it might be necessary to execute the sequence: ./unpost; ./kill; ./post &, or the script ./unpost-kill-post &"
if 1 {
# CreateIBI from urlib.net
puts {}
# if [string equal 0 $staticIPFlag] {set serverAddress2 urlib.net:80} else {set serverAddress2 $serverAddress} ;# still working
# if [string equal 0 $staticIPFlag] {set serverAddress2 { 800}} else {set serverAddress2 $serverAddress}
# if [string equal 0 $staticIPFlag] {set serverAddress2 {2001:12ff:0:7::168 800}} else {set serverAddress2 $serverAddress} ;# works with tlc 8.6 but not with tcl 8.5: Execute (3): communication with server [2001:12ff:0:7::168 800] doesn't start (using async value 1)
# if [string equal 1 $staticIPFlag] {set serverAddress2 {2001:12ff:0:7::168 800}} else {set serverAddress2 $serverAddress} ;# if test2 is executed from urlib.net, then addr == 2001:12ff:0:7::168
if [string equal 0 $staticIPFlag] {set serverAddress2 {urlib.net 800}} else {set serverAddress2 $serverAddress}
# if [string equal 0 $staticIPFlag] {set serverAddress2 {urlib.net 800}} else {set serverAddress2 $serverAddress} ;# if test2 is executed from urlib.net, then addr ==
LoadService $loCoInRep registrationPassword registrationPassword 1 1
# if [catch {Execute urlib.net:80 [list CreateIBI dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ 896322016461] 0} m] #
# if [catch {Execute urlib.net:80 [list CreateIBI dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ 896322016461] 1} m] #
if [catch {Execute $serverAddress2 [list CreateIBI $loCoInRep $registrationPassword] 1} m] {
# couldn't open socket: connection refused
# error writing "sock1884": connection refused
# error writing "sock240": socket is not connected
global errorInfo
puts --$errorInfo--
} else {
puts "rep [lindex $m 0]"
puts "ibip [lindex $m 1]"
if 1 {
# unfairAddrList
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
set query [list list GetUnfairAddrList]
set result [MultipleExecute [list $serverAddress] $query 0] ;# this was fast in 2020-05-19
puts ""
puts "unfairAddrList = $result"
if 0 {
puts {doing kill-post...}
if [string equal /mnt/dados1/URLibFOTOb $homePath] {
# exec /mnt/dados1/URLibFOTOb/kill-post ../URLibFOTO/ & ;# <<< - commented by GJFB in 2020-12-25 - must be root
set kill_postMessageForPost ../URLibFOTO/
Store kill_postMessageForPost $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/@kill-postMessageForPost ;# used in post
if [string equal /home/banon/URLibIBICT $homePath] {
# exec /home/banon/URLibIBICT/kill-post ../URLibUNIVAP/ & ;# <<< - commented by GJFB in 2020-12-25 - must be root
set kill_postMessageForPost ../URLibUNIVAP/
Store kill_postMessageForPost $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/@kill-postMessageForPost ;# used in post
puts {kill-post done}
if 0 {
# simulating FindURLPropertyList
# http://urlib.net/test2
global scanAllArchivesFlag ;# used in CreateListOfibiProperties and CreateListOfibiProperties2
global stateArray ;# used in CreateListOfibiProperties and CreateListOfibiProperties2
set scanAllArchivesFlag 0
# set serverAddress2 {gjfb.home 800}
set serverAddress2 {mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br 800}
set criterionList2 {
parsedibiurl.ibi dpi.inpe.br/banon/2000/
set command [list GetURLPropertyList $criterionList2] ;# used with USP only
set pID [CreateProcessID $command] ;# used with USP only
for {set i 1} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
set numerOfResponses 0
set numberOfSites 1
set tokenList {}
set scenario 0
set ibiResolutionFlag 1
if [catch {RemoteExecute $serverAddress2 $command $scenario CreateListOfibiProperties2 {} $pID $ibiResolutionFlag} token] {
incr numerOfResponses
} else {
global $token
lappend tokenList $token
set flag 1 ;# enable while
set time 0
while {$flag} {
set xWaitQueue 0; after 100 {set xWaitQueue 1}; vwait xWaitQueue
incr time 100
foreach token $tokenList {
if [info exists stateArray($token)] {
# puts ($token) ;# nice puts
# puts $stateArray($token) ;# nice puts
if !$scanAllArchivesFlag {
if {$stateArray($token) == 1} {set flag 0; break} ;# the required item has been found
if $stateArray($token) {
incr numerOfResponses
set stateArray($token) 0 ;# set to 0 in order to incr numerOfResponses only once while the while is running
if {$numerOfResponses == $numberOfSites} {set flag 0; break} ;# all the sites have been processed
if {$time > 7000} {set flag 0} ;# time-out (3s + 4s) - 3s is timeout for http::geturl - 4s is to let Apache server respond
set listOfibiProperties {}
foreach token $tokenList {
# puts --[http::data $token]-- ;# data is empty when status is not ok
# puts [http::status $token]
# puts $xWaitQueue
if [string equal {ok} [set ${token}(status)]] {
# puts $token
set ibiProperties [set ${token}(data)]
# puts --$ibiProperties--
CleanUp $token
if [info exists stateArray($token)] {unset stateArray($token)}
if [regexp {^<} $ibiProperties] {
# ibiProperties contains an error message
} else {
# norm simplification (part of the implementation not needed)
if 1 {
set listOfibiProperties [concat $listOfibiProperties $ibiProperties]
} else {
lappend listOfibiProperties $ibiProperties
CleanUpTable $pID
puts {
puts $listOfibiProperties
puts {
if 0 {
# testing DisplayNumberOfEntries
# http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/test2
# the link of the number of entries are broken because the bibliographic mirror of mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br doesn't exist in gjfb.home
global siteList
global currentRep
global language
global languageRep1
global languageRep2
# global errorInfo
source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities3.tcl
# set siteList {{gjfb.home 800}}
# set currentRep dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/
set siteList {{mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br 800}}
set currentRep sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/
set language en
set languageRep1 dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/
set languageRep2 dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/
set searchExpression {ref journal and y 2008}
# set searchExpression {ref thesis and course SER-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR and date 2008 and not date *-07-*}
# set searchExpression {gr *-INPE-MCT-BR and {{y 2008 and {{secondaryty p* and ref journal} or {secondaryty l* and not ref section} or secondaryty MAN or secondaryty NTC or secondaryty PUD or {ref report and not secondaryty TAE} or {secondaryty l* and ref section} or {secondaryty c* and ref conference and not booktitle, Resumos and not booktitle, Abstracts} or {ref audiovisual and not par *} or ref program}} or {ref source and not nextedition, * and repos *2008* and {not year, * or year, 2008}}} or {date 2008 and ref thesis and course *-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR and not date *-07-*}}
for {set i 1} {$i <= 30} {incr i} {
if [catch {DisplayNumberOfEntries "$searchExpression or k xx$i"} m] {
# puts
$m} else { puts $m } } } if 0 { # testing remote execution of DisplayNumberOfEntries # http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/test2 # the link of the number of entries are broken because the bibliographic mirror of mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br doesn't exist in gjfb.home # not in use but tested (DisplayNumberOfEntries3 must be added in allowedCommandList) set siteList {{mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br 800}} set currentRep sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/ set language en set languageRep1 dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ set languageRep2 dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ set searchExpression {ref journal and y 2008} set accent no set case no set useStoredValue 1 set subsetOfGroups {} set integerWithLink 1 set m [Execute $serverAddress [list DisplayNumberOfEntries3 $searchExpression $accent $case $useStoredValue $subsetOfGroups $integerWithLink $siteList $currentRep $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2]] puts $m } if 0 { # testing communication set query [list list Identity OK] # set query [list list Identity {}] ;# => ---- # set query [list list Identity {{} {}}] ;# => ---- # set query [list list Identity {{{} {}}}] ;# => --{{} {}}-- # set query [list list Identity {{} B}] ;# => ---- # set query [list list Identity {A {}}] ;# => --A-- # set query [list list Identity {A B}] ;# => --A-- # set query [list list Identity {{A B}}] ;# => --{A B}-- # set query [list list Identity {{A B} {C D}}] ;# => --{A B}-- # set result [MultipleExecute [list {urlib.net 800}] $query 0] ;# this was very slow in 2020-05-19 - DNS servers for urlib.net are not responding to AAAA queries - see also DNSViz tool at https://dnsviz.net/ - https://dnsviz.net/d/urlib.net/dnssec/ # set result [MultipleExecute [list { 800}] $query 0] ;# this was fast in 2020-05-19 # set result [MultipleExecute [list { 800}] $query 0] ;# ibi.nic.br set result [MultipleExecute [list {gjfb 19050}] $query 1] ;# ibi.nic.br puts --$result-- } if 0 { # testing communication set query1 [list list Identity OK1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {gjfb.home 800}] $query1 0] ;# works # set result [MultipleExecute [list {gjfb.home 800}] $query1 1] set result [MultipleExecute [list {vaio 19050}] $query1 0] set result1 [MultipleExecute [list {vaio 19050}] $query1 1] set result2 [MultipleExecute [list {vaio 19050}] $query1 2] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br 800}] $query1 1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {mtc-m16c.sid.inpe.br 804}] $query1 1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {mtc-m16b.sid.inpe.br 802}] $query1 1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {mtc-m21b.sid.inpe.br 804}] $query1 1] puts --$result-- puts --$result1-- puts --$result2-- set result [MultipleExecute [list {licuri.ibict.br 800}] $query1 0] # set result1 [MultipleExecute [list {licuri.ibict.br 800}] $query1 1] # set result2 [MultipleExecute [list {licuri.ibict.br 800}] $query1 2] puts --$result-- } if 0 { proc ReturnEmpty {} { return } package require http ;# see online manual # set url http://gjfb:1905/GetProgress # set url http://urlib.net/GetProgress set url http://licuri.ibict.br/GetProgress puts [catch {http::geturl [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $url]}] # => 1 if licuri is down puts [catch {http::geturl [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $url] -command ReturnEmpty -timeout 3000}] # puts [catch {http::geturl http://urlib.net/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/2004/} token] } if 0 { # testing communication: port and host name # http://urlib.net/test2 set query0 [list list Identity OK0] set query1 [list list Identity OK1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {gjfb.home 800}] $query1 0] ;# works # set result [MultipleExecute [list {gjfb.home 800}] $query1 1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {vaio 19050}] $query1 1] # puts --$result-- # set result [MultipleExecute [list {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br 800}] $query1 1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {mtc-m16c.sid.inpe.br 804}] $query1 1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {mtc-m16b.sid.inpe.br 802}] $query1 1] # set result [MultipleExecute [list {mtc-m21b.sid.inpe.br 804}] $query1 1] set list {{mtc-m16d.sid.inpe.br 806} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19@80/2009/ USP 2016: clayton.martins@inpe.br 1x {marte.sid.inpe.br 800} dpi.inpe.br/banon/2003/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {bibdigital.sid.inpe.br 800} sid.inpe.br/bibdigital@80/2006/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {marte3.sid.inpe.br 804} sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {mtc-m16b.sid.inpe.br 802} cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {md-m09.sid.inpe.br 800} sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {sibgrapi.sid.inpe.br 800} sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br sibgrapi.sid.inpe.br 1x {plutao.sid.inpe.br 800} dpi.inpe.br/plutao@80/2008/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {mtc-m16c.sid.inpe.br 804} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {gprb0705.sid.inpe.br 802} bighost.com.br/gabi_sf/2005/ USP 2017: gabibanon@usp.br {} 1x {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br 800} sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br 800} sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {marte2.sid.inpe.br 802} dpi.inpe.br/marte2/2013/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {mtc-m21b.sid.inpe.br 804} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2013/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br {} 1x {mtc-m21c.sid.inpe.br 806} urlib.net/www/2017/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br {} 1x {banon-pc.dpi.inpe.br 19050} dpi.inpe.br/banon/2001/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {gjfb0520.sid.inpe.br 804} dpi.inpe.br/banon/2001/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br {} 1x {mtc-m21.sid.inpe.br 802} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21/2012/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1} set list {{mtc-m16d.sid.inpe.br 806} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19@80/2009/ USP 2016: clayton.martins@inpe.br 1x {gprb0705.sid.inpe.br 802} bighost.com.br/gabi_sf/2005/ USP 2017: gabibanon@usp.br {} 1x {gjfb0520.sid.inpe.br 804} dpi.inpe.br/banon/2001/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br {} 1x {md-m09.sid.inpe.br 800} sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {mtc-m21b.sid.inpe.br 804} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2013/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br {} 1x {mtc-m21c.sid.inpe.br 806} urlib.net/www/2017/ USP 2017: banon@dpi.inpe.br {} 1x {mtc-m21.sid.inpe.br 802} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21/2012/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1} set list {{mtc-m16d.sid.inpe.br 806} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19@80/2009/ USP 2016: clayton.martins@inpe.br 1x {licuri.ibict.br 800} urlib.net/www/2017/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1} set list {{mtc-m16d.sid.inpe.br 806} sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19@80/2009/ USP 2016: clayton.martins@inpe.br 1x {www.urlib.net 800} dpi.inpe.br/banon/2004/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1x {licuri.ibict.br 800} urlib.net/www/2017/ USP 2016: banon@dpi.inpe.br 1} set length 0 foreach item [split $list x] { foreach serverAddress $item {break} set length2 [string length $serverAddress] if {$length < $length2} {set length $length2} } puts "OK0: [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] -> tested server (using IP)" puts "OK1: [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] -> tested server (using DN)" puts "OK2: [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] -> {urlib.net 800} -> tested server (using IP)" puts "OK3: [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] -> {urlib.net 800} -> tested server (using DN)" puts "OK4: [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] -> tested server (using DN) -> tested server (using IP)" puts "OK5: [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] -> tested server (using DN) -> tested server (using DN)" foreach item [split $list x] { foreach {serverAddress loCoInRep ip} $item {break} set length2 [string length $serverAddress] set serverAddress2 $serverAddress append serverAddress2 [string repeat { } [expr $length - $length2 + 3]] foreach {host port} $serverAddress {break} set result0 [MultipleExecute [list [list $ip $port]] $query0 1] if [string equal {} $result0] {set result0 { }} set result1 [MultipleExecute [list $serverAddress] $query1 1] if [string equal {} $result1] {set result1 { }} set query2 [list list Identity2 [list $ip $port] OK2] set result2 [MultipleExecute [list {urlib.net 800}] $query2 1] if [string equal {} $result2] {set result2 { }} set query3 [list list Identity2 $serverAddress OK3] set result3 [MultipleExecute [list {urlib.net 800}] $query3 1] if [string equal {} $result3] {set result3 { }} set query4 [list list Identity2 [list $ip $port] OK4] set result4 [MultipleExecute [list $serverAddress] $query4 1] if [string equal {} $result4] {set result4 { }} set query5 [list list Identity2 $serverAddress OK5] set result5 [MultipleExecute [list $serverAddress] $query5 1] if [string equal {} $result5] {set result5 { }} foreach {host ip} [Execute {urlib.net 800} [list ReturnFullServerNameIP $host]] {break} puts "tested server: $serverAddress2 [list $result0] [list $result1] [list $result2] [list $result3] [list $result4] [list $result5] $ip" } } if 0 { # set query [list list UpdateSiteList {{gjfb.home 800} dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ USP 2014: gerald.banon@gmail.com} 896322016461 0] set query [list list UpdateSiteList {{gjfb 19050} dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ USP 2014: gerald.banon@gmail.com} 896322016461 0] # set query [list list UpdateSiteList {{licuri.ibict.br 800} urlib.net/www/2017/ USP 2014: banon@dpi.inpe.br} xxxxxxxxxxxx 0] set staticIPFlag [MultipleExecute [list {www.urlib.net 800}] $query 1] puts --$staticIPFlag-- # => --{0 {}}-- ;# gjfb # => ---- :# licuri } if 0 { # set urlibServiceSiteWithIP [Execute urlib.net GetURLibServiceSiteWithIP] ;# commented by GJFB in 2021-10-25 - sometimes fails to return nonempty result and seems to disturb the result of the above CreateIBI set urlibServiceSiteWithIP [Execute urlib.net GetURLibServiceSiteWithIP 0] ;# added by GJFB in 2021-10-25 puts --$urlibServiceSiteWithIP-- } # EnterQueue TestExecute # LeaveQueue if 0 { # display number of not writable sites set pwd [pwd] cd $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/listOfNotWritableSites set nameList [glob -nocomplain *] cd $pwd # puts --$nameList-- puts "
number of not writable sites = [llength $nameList]" foreach name [lsort $nameList] { Load $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/listOfNotWritableSites/$name queueLength puts "
$name = $queueLength" } } if 0 { # generating the command: # GetMetadataRepositories dpi.inpe.br/banon/2003/ 3 {conferencen 12 and { author Meneses,_Paulo_Roberto, }} yes yes 0 metadatalastupdate repArray xxxxxx {} 11 {} proc Command {token} { global listOfReturns upvar #0 $token state set return $state(body) set listOfReturns [concat $listOfReturns $return] } global listOfReturns package require http ;# see online manual # set url http://banon-pc3/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ set url http://marte.dpi.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/2003/{author+Meneses,_Paulo_Roberto,}&accent=yes&case2=yes&codedpassword1=xxxxxx for {set i 1} {$i <= 2} {incr i} { if [catch {http::geturl [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $url]} token] { } else { # geturl returned # puts [http::data $token] puts OK } } set listOfReturns {} for {set i 1} {$i <= 8} {incr i} { if [catch {http::geturl [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $url] -command Command}] { } else { # geturl returned } } after 14000 {set xWaitQueue 1}; vwait xWaitQueue puts --$listOfReturns-- } if 0 { # testing CreateOptionListForCopyright # SetFieldValue is not completed when run in mtc-m19, # and banon-pc3 is started enabling wireless, then posting URLibService (, and then plugging the network cable set siteList [list $serverAddressWithIP { 800}] set query {automatic} ;# drop the repositories that have parents (they contain copyright translation) puts $query set siteMetadataRepList [FindMetadataRepositories $query 0 $siteList {} no no 1] ;# {site rep-i} {site rep-i} ... # return banon-pc3 (without domain name) puts --$siteMetadataRepList-- # SetFieldValue $site ${rep-i} {citationkey repository} ;# once, running in mtc-m19, SetFieldValue {banon-pc3.dpi.inpe.br 800} didn't respond, producing a blank submission/update form # SetFieldValue {banon-pc3 800} iconet.com.br/banon/2010/ {citationkey repository} 0 ;# from mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br, one gets "Concluido" but doesn't complete the script # SetFieldValue { 800} iconet.com.br/banon/2010/ {citationkey repository} 0 ;# from mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br, one gets "Recebendo dados de mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br ..." and doesn't complete the script # SetFieldValue { 800} iconet.com.br/banon/2010/ {citationkey repository} 1 ;# from mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br, one gets "Concluido" but doesn't complete the script SetFieldValue { 800} iconet.com.br/banon/2010/ {citationkey repository} 0 ;# from mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br, works puts {
$fileContent} if 0 { set fileContent [Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Load2 iconet.com.br/banon/2009/ year=2009_adm.txt 33 source] 0] puts --$fileContent-- set command [list list MultipleLinesLoad2 iconet.com.br/banon/2009/ @relatorio.aux 33 doc] set fileContent [join [MultipleExecute [list $serverAddressWithIP] $command] \n] puts --$fileContent-- set fileContent [Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Load2 urlib.net/www/2019/ ROCdata/AUC_BBMM-DEFAULT_10_2016.txt 33 doc auto 1] 0] puts --[join [lrange $fileContent end-2 end] \n]-- } if 0 { # testing Store2 set progress 10% Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list Store2 $progress urlib.net/www/2012/ progress.txt 33] 0 puts stored } if 0 { set x [Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list UpdateArchivingPolicy dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@1905/2005/ dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@1905/2005/ banon 33] 0] puts --$x-- } if 0 { global x2 proc Put {} { puts OK } after 3000 Put if [info exists x2] {unset x2} set x2 0 after 1000 {set x2 1}; vwait x2 puts $x2 } } # TestExecute - end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------