# Copyright for the Uniform Repository Service (c) 1995 - 2022,
# by Gerald Banon. All rights reserved.
# Version 2.1
# mirrorrecent.tcl
# created in 2021-04-22 by GJFB to allow progressive loading
# example:
# http://gjfb:1905/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/
# http://www.urlib.net/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/2004/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# MirrorRecent
proc MirrorRecent {} {
if [catch {
if 0 {
# testing progressive loading
puts {Content-Type: text/html}
puts {}
puts 1
puts "" ;# to have the previous puts displayed
set x 0; after 1000 {set x 1}; vwait x
puts 2
global currentProcedureName ;# used in LoopOverEntries
global currentProcedureFileName ;# used in CreateOutput and LoopOverEntries
global env
global cgi
global currentRep
global language
# global administratorUserName ;# used in CreateReturnButton
global homePath ;# used in CreateOutput and FindLanguage
global URLibServiceRepository ;# used in MultipleSubmit (called in MultipleExecute2 called in CreateOutput)
global queueLengthFlag ;# used in MultipleSubmit (called in MultipleExecute2 called in CreateOutput)
global serverAddressWithIP ;# used in SynchronizeRepository called in sourceDisplayControl
global mirrorHomePageRepository ;# used in LoopOverEntries to access submission.js
puts {Content-Type: text/html}
puts {}
# array set environment [array get env] ;# used in MultipleSubmit
set col ../../../../..
set URLibServiceRepository dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/
source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities1.tcl
source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/cgi/mirrorfind-.tcl
source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilitiesMirror.tcl ;# FindIdentifierNameFromIBI
# set queueLengthFlag 1 ;# could be anything - added by GJFB in 2013-04-17 in order to detect not writable site (site that doesn't reply)
# homePath (used in CreateReturnButton and FindLanguage)
set homePath $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)
# pathInfo
set pathInfo [file split $env(PATH_INFO)]
# currentRep
regsub -all { } [lrange $pathInfo 1 4] {/} currentRep
# mirrorIdentifier (childIdentifier)
set mirrorIdentifier [FindIdentifierNameFromIBI $currentRep] ;# added by GJFB in 2022-06-13
set display [GetFrameName] ;# added by GJFB in 2020-06-19 - used when setting window.name javascript property in cgi/submit mirror/xxSubmit.tcl and xxUpdateSubmission.html
set currentProcedureName MirrorRecent
set currentProcedureFileName $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/cgi/MirrorRecent.tcl
# set serverAddress [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)]
# serverAddressWithIP
set serverAddressWithIP [list $env(IP_ADDR) $env(URLIB_PORT)]
# administratorUserName
## regsub {@.*$} $env(SERVER_ADMIN) {} administratorUserName
# set administratorUserName administrator
# Find the language and the language repository
foreach {language languageRep1 languageRep2 firstLanguageRep \
submissionFormRep submissionFormLanguage submissionFormLanguageRep} \
[FindLanguage $currentRep] {break}
# Find the language and the language repository - end
# used with GET
# doesn't hidden password1 and codedpassword1
if [info exists env(QUERY_STRING)] {
if [regexp {^(.*)&(returnaddress)=(.+)$} $env(QUERY_STRING) m queryString name value] {
set cgi($name) $value
} else {
set queryString $env(QUERY_STRING)
foreach {name value} [split $queryString &=] {
set cgi([DecodeURL $name]) [DecodeURL $value]
if 0 {
puts {Content-Type: text/html}
puts {}
puts --$env(QUERY_STRING)--
puts --[array get cgi]--
if {[info exists cgi(choice)] && [info exists cgi(outputformat)]} { ;# added by GJFB in 2021-04-25 to speed up search result display
set choice $cgi(choice)
set outputFormat $cgi(outputformat)
ConditionalSet searchInputValue cgi(searchinputvalue) {}
ConditionalSet forceRecentFlag cgi(forcerecentflag) 1
ConditionalSet forceHistoryBackFlag cgi(forcehistorybackflag) 1 ;# added by GJFB in 2023-06-09
# path of forceRecentFlag from xxButton.html to mirrorHomePage.html:
# xxButton.html (set forceRecentFlag to 1)
# MirrorRecent
# CreateOutput
# LoopOverEntries
# ServeLocalCollection
# GetEntry
# CreateBriefEntry
# Get
# mirror/xxCover.tcl (click '<')
# CreateMirror
# mirrorHomePage.html (uses forceRecentFlag)
} else {
# mirrorHomePageRepository
# used in sourceDisplayControl
set mirrorHomePageRepository dpi.inpe.br/banon/2000/ ;# added by GJFB in 2018-05-28 - required in sourceDisplayControl
# Source displayControl.tcl - added by GJFB in 2018-05-28
set enableOutput 0
eval $sourceDisplayControl ;# required for setting choice and outputFormat only
# Source displayControl.tc - end
# set cgi(choice) $choice ;# used in LoopOverEntries when displaying the similars button with the brief choice
set maximumNumberOfEntries $env(MAX_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES)
set query [list list GetMostRecentMetadataRep $currentRep $maximumNumberOfEntries]
set query2String {} ;# needed because it is an argument of CreateOutput
set maximumNumberOfReferences 10
if ![info exists cgi(imageflag)] {set cgi(imageflag) 0} ;# added by GJFB in 2018-05-28 - don't display the thumbnail (if any) - required when setting choice == CreateBriefTitleAuthorEntry in displayControl.tcl
# CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query $query2String Recent \
../ 0 $maximumNumberOfReferences brief
set linkType 1 ;# added by GJFB in 2018-05-28 - required to get the rep link type
CreateOutput \
$language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query $query2String Recent ../ \
0 $maximumNumberOfReferences $choice 1 \
^$ 0 {} $outputFormat \
{#EEEEEE #E3E3E3} {} no \
yes $linkType 0 \
$cgi(targetvalue) metadatalastupdate \
site no {} \
short {; } $searchInputValue $mirrorIdentifier \
$forceRecentFlag $forceHistoryBackFlag
} m] {
if ![string equal {} $m] {
puts {Content-Type: text/html}
puts {}
puts "
MirrorRecent (2): $m" if 0 {global errorInfo; puts
$errorInfo} } } } # MirrorRecent - end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------