# Copyright for the Uniform Repository Service (c) 1995 - 1999,
# by Gerald Banon. All rights reserved.
# Version 2.1
# mirror2.tcl (old version of mirror.tcl)
proc CompareOccurrence {a b} {
set a1 [lindex $a 1]
set b1 [lindex $b 1]
return [expr $a1>$b1?-1:1]
proc CompareKey {a b} {
set a0 [lindex $a 0]
set b0 [lindex $b 0]
return [string compare $a0 $b0]
proc GetConversionTable {currentRep rep language} {
global env
set colPath $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)
Load $colPath/col/$currentRep/doc/@siteList.txt fileContent
foreach {site loCoInRep} $fileContent {
lappend siteList $site
package require http 2.0
foreach serverAddress $siteList {
if [catch {http::geturl \
http://$serverAddress/col/$rep/doc/${language}FieldName.tcl} token] {
} else {
# the file exists on this host
eval [http::data $token]
proc CreateAbbreviation {currentRep rep language pattern} {
# pattern example: ^v
global abbreviationArray
set col ../../../../..
set URLibServiceRepository dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/
source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities1.tcl
# source ../$col/$rep/doc/${language}FieldName.tcl
GetConversionTable $currentRep $rep $language
set fieldList [array names field::conversionTable ?*] ;# ?* to drop {}
set fieldList [Grep $pattern $fieldList]
foreach field $fieldList {
set firstLetters [ExtractFirstCharacters fieldList $field]
set abbreviationArray($field) $firstLetters
return $fieldList
proc CreateMirror {} {
global env
global currentRep
global numberOfSatisfiedQueries
global numberOfSites
global s
# >
set col ../../../../..
set URLibServiceRepository dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/
# create mirrorRepArray
array set mirrorRepArray $env(MIRROR_REP_ARRAY)
# create mirrorRepArray - end
# find the language
set language en ;# default language
foreach preferredLanguage [split $env(HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) ,] {
# regexp {..} $preferredLanguage preferredLanguage ;# pt-BR -> pt
if {[lsearch -exact [array names mirrorRepArray] \
$preferredLanguage] != -1} {
set language $preferredLanguage
# find the language - end
# find the repository of the language
set rep $mirrorRepArray($language)
# find the repository of the language - end
set pathInfo [file split $env(PATH_INFO)]
set pathInfoLength [llength $pathInfo]
# currentRep
regsub -all { } [lrange $pathInfo 1 4] {/} currentRep
if {$pathInfoLength == 5} {
set frameName ""
} else {
set frameName [lindex $pathInfo 5]
source ../$col/$rep/doc/${language}$frameName.tcl
switch -exact -- $frameName {
Form {
set output [subst [set ${rep}::body]]
Button {
set output [subst [set ${rep}::body]]
Help {
# array set abbreviationArray $env(ABBREVIATION_LIST)
CreateAbbreviation $currentRep $rep $language ^a|^y
global field::conversionTable
global abbreviationArray
set output [subst [set ${rep}::body]]
AdvancedHelp {
set fieldList \
[CreateAbbreviation $currentRep $rep $language ^v]
global field::conversionTable
global abbreviationArray
foreach field $fieldList {
lappend fLE $field
# fieldListExample
set fieldListExample [join $fLE { and }]
set output [subst [set ${rep}::body]]
Contributors {
# contributorList
global contributorList
global loCoInRepList
source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities1.tcl
set query {list GetEntries "targetfile @reference.bib [join $loCoInRepList]" yes brief ../}
MultipleSubmit $query contributorList
set contributorList [join $contributorList]
# query2String
set query2 "targetfile @reference.bib [join $loCoInRepList]"
regsub -all { } $query2 {+} query2
set query2String "query2=$query2&choice2=brief&case2=yes"
set contributorList \
[lsort -command CompareKey $contributorList]
set entryList {}
foreach entry $contributorList {
lappend entryList [join $entry \n]
set contributorList [join $entryList]
set output [subst [subst [set ${rep}::body]]]
Field {
# fieldNameList
# set fieldNameList [join $env(FIELD_NAME_LIST)
CreateAbbreviation $currentRep $rep $language .*
global field::conversionTable
global abbreviationArray
foreach {index value} [array get conversionTable] {
set inverseTable($value) $index
# array set abbreviationArray $env(ABBREVIATION_LIST)
foreach value [lsort -dictionary [array names inverseTable ?*]] {
lappend fieldNameList