# Copyright for the Uniform Repository Service (c) 1995 - 2013, # by Gerald Banon. All rights reserved. # Version 2.1 # getIibiproperties.tcl # example of use # http://banon-pc3/getibiproperties?parsedibiurl.ibitype=ibip&parsedibiurl.ibi=3ERPFQRT3W/39AFDTP # criterionList is a list for an array with the following entries (see GetURLPropertyList): # default value example value domain description # parsedibiurl.ibitype required ibip rep ibip ibin # parsedibiurl.ibi required 3ERPFQRT3W/39AFDTP # parsedibiurl.verblist optional ResolveIBIURL GetFieldValueList ResolveIBIURL GetMetadata GetFieldValueList GetFileList GetAppropriateSimilar GetAppropriateMetadata # parsedibiurl.similaritycriteria optional language lastEdition language lastEdition {language lastEdition} {lastEdition language} # parsedibiurl.similaritycriteriaformetadata optional language language language # parsedibiurl.fieldnamelist optional {} translationList translationList nextEdition ## parsedibiurl.responselanguage optional tcl tcl tcl # parsedibiurl.metadataformat optional Free BibTeX Free BibTeX BibINPE Short # parsedibiurl.metadataheader optional {Content-Type: text/html} "Content-Type: text/html" "Content-Type: text/html" "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=meatadata.txt" # parsedibiurl.metadatafieldnamelist optional {} {identifier nexthigherunit shorttitle} # parsedibiurl.cssfileurl optional {} http://urlib.net/iconet.com.br/banon/2003/ ## parsedibiurl.filelistformat optional {} # parsedibiurl.requiredsite optional {} banon-pc3 # parsedibiurl.requiredmetadatatimestamp optional {} 2012: # parsedibiurl.requireddocumentstate optional {Registered Original} {Registered Original} {Registered Original} {Modified Original} {Copy of an Original} {Modified Copy of an Original} {Unchecked} # parsedibiurl.filepath optional {} Readme.html # parsedibiurl.querylist optional {} choice short # parsedibiurl.requiredmirror optional {} dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ used to define the search scope for FindURLPropertyList and for the header appearance in Get # parsedibiurl.requiredsite has priority over parsedibiurl.requiredmetadatatimestamp # parsedibiurl.requiredmetadatatimestamp has priority over parsedibiurl.requireddocumentstate # clientinformation.ipaddress optional {} # clientinformation.languagepreference optional {} pt-br,en;q=0.5 pt-br,en;q=0.5 en pt-BR languagebutton otherwise browser setting # clientinformation.contextlanguage optional {} pt-BR en pt-BR result of FindLanguage (see FindPreferredLanguage) - the available language satisfying the language preference # clientinformation.contextlanguage is needed when there is no target file (because of displaydoccontent.cgi - see CreateAbsolutePath) proc GetIBIProperties {} { if [catch { global env puts {Content-Type: text/plain} puts {} # col set col ../../../../.. # URLibServiceRepository set URLibServiceRepository $env(URLIB_SERVICE_REP) source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/cgi/mirrorfind-.tcl ;# MultipleExecute source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities1.tcl ;# ReturnTimeOutReference # cgi if [info exists env(QUERY_STRING)] { foreach {name value} [split $env(QUERY_STRING) &=] { set cgi([DecodeURL $name]) [DecodeURL $value] } } # criterionList set criterionList {} foreach fieldName [array names cgi] { lappend criterionList $fieldName $cgi($fieldName) } # serverAddress (used in CreateTclPage and SetFieldValue only) set serverAddress [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] # MULTIPLE SUBMIT set command [list list GetURLPropertyList $criterionList] # puts $command

set siteList [list $serverAddress] set searchResultList [MultipleExecute $siteList $command] ;# scenario 0 - level 1 is for MultipleSubmit be able to reach currentRep puts $searchResultList } m] {puts $m; if 0 {global errorInfo; puts $errorInfo}} }