# Copyright for the Uniform Repository Service (c) 1995 - 2022, # by Gerald Banon. All rights reserved. # Version 2.1 # get-.tcl # If file is present then the file is shown instead of the target file # (if any). # Examples: # rep-/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ # PATH_INFO = /dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ # rep-/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ # PATH_INFO = /dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ # http://banon-pc3/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2010/ # is equivalent to: # http://banon-pc3/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2010/ # Examples: if 0 { http://gjfb:1905/J8LNKB5R7W/3L466J5: http://gjfb:1905/J8LNKB5R7W/3L466J5:(oai_dc) http://gjfb:1905/LK47B6W/362SFKH http://gjfb:1905/LK47B6W/362SFKH: http://banon-pc3/iconet.com.br/banon/2009/ http://gjfb:1905/J8LNKB5R7W/3NGUDHH http://gjfb:1905/zip/J8LNKB5R7W/3NGUDHH http://vaio:1905/J8LNKB5R7W/3NGUDHH: http://gjfb.home:1905/J8LNKB5R7W/3NGUDHH http://gjfb.home:1905/8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3MPQ9AE http://gjfb.home:1905/8JMKD3MGP3W34P/3MPQ9AE?ibiurl.returntype=urlpropertylist http://urlib.net/8JMKD3MGPAW34P/3NERTH2 http://urlib.net/J8LNKB5R7W/3CAK5T2 http://urlib.net/8JMKD3MGPAW/3MGQ5S5 http://urlib.net/J8LNKB5R7W/3CP2248 } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get- proc Get- {} { if [catch { global env ;# used by ResolveIBI global cgi ;# used by FindLanguage and ResolveIBI global localSite ;# used by CheckCommunication, CreateResponseList and GetServerAddressFromHTTPHost global homePath ;# used by CreateListOfurlPropertiesFromAgencies, ResolveIBI and FindLanguage global URLibServiceRepository global loCoInRep ;# used in CreateListOfurlPropertiesFromAgencies and FormatSiteList called by FindURLPropertyList called by ReturnURLPropertyList called by ReturnURLPropertyList2 called by ResolveIBI global loBiMiRep ;# used in FindURLPropertyList called by ResolveIBI global serverAddress ;# used by SetFieldValue and GetServerAddressFromHTTPHost # global documentServerAddress ;# used by UpdateReadPermissionFromSecondaryDate global mirrorHomePageRep ;# set by FindLanguage global queueLengthFlag ;# used in MultipleSubmit (called in MultipleExecute2 called in CreateOutput) global printFlag ;# used in ReturnURLPropertyList only global selectedLanguageFromMirror languageRep1 languageRep2 ;# used in CreateResponseList only global serverAdministratorAddress ;# used in FindURLPropertyList set printFlag 0 # set printFlag 1 if $printFlag { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} } set printFlag 0 # set printFlag 1 set col ../../../../.. set URLibServiceRepository $env(URLIB_SERVICE_REP) source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities1.tcl source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/cgi/mirrorfind-.tcl source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/cgi/get.tcl ;# added by GJFB in 2022-07-12 - get.tcl contains ReturnRestrictedAccessWarning # set queueLengthFlag 1 ;# could be anything - added by GJFB in 2013-04-17 in order to detect not writable site (site that doesn't reply) # e.g., http://gjfb.home/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2008/ VERSÃO 2.pdf # puts $env(PATH_INFO) # => /dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2008/ VERSÃO 2.pdf # puts [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $env(PATH_INFO) 1] # => /dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2008/ # encoding system utf-8 ;# added by GJFB in 2015-01-09 to solve the accent problem with gjfb.home (Windows OS) when the filePath contains upper case accented letter (e.g., Ã) # ;# commented by GJFB in 2015-02-04 to solve the accent problem with mtc-m20.sid.inpe.br - utf-8 caracters appear in the language warning , ex: http://urlib.net/8JMKD3MGP7W/3D6463P+(fr) # ;# the same command line placed below (just before ParseIBIURL) seems to solve this accent problem! # puts $env(PATH_INFO) # => /dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2008/ VERSÃO 2.pdf # puts [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $env(PATH_INFO) 1] # => /dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2008/ # loCoInRep set loCoInRep $env(LOCOINREP) # loBiMiRep set loBiMiRep $env(LOBIMIREP) # mirror set mirror $loBiMiRep # homePath set homePath $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT) # localSite set localSite $env(SERVER_NAME):$env(SERVER_PORT) # serverAddress set serverAddress [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] # serverAddressWithIP set serverAddressWithIP [list $env(IP_ADDR) $env(URLIB_PORT)] # urlibServerAddress set urlibServerAddress $env(URLIB_SERVER_ADDR) ;# www.urlib.net and port # serverAdministratorAddress set serverAdministratorAddress $env(SERVER_ADMIN) # Check if the collection has been posted - CheckCommunication calls StoreIndex which set loBiMiRep (globally) if [CheckCommunication] {return} ;# needs localSite - Apache runs but URLib not # Check if the collection has been posted - end # cgi - used in FindLanguage if [info exists env(QUERY_STRING)] { # ? is alias for verb=GetMetadata ## ?+ is alias for verb=GetAppropriateMetadata regsub {^\?} $env(QUERY_STRING) {} queryString2 foreach {name value} [split $queryString2 &=] { set cgi([DecodeURL $name]) [DecodeURL $value] } } # queryString ConditionalSet queryString env(QUERY_STRING) {} # set xxx $queryString # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt binary 0 a # puts $queryString # => ibiurl.returntype=urlpropertylist # if ![info exists cgi(mirror)] {set cgi(mirror) $loBiMiRep} # if ![info exists cgi(languagebutton)] {set cgi(languagebutton) {}} # puts [array get cgi] # Find the language and the language repository # use the same languages as the ones used for the local bibliographic mirror foreach {selectedLanguageFromMirror languageRep1 languageRep2 firstLanguageRep submissionFormRep} [FindLanguage $mirror] {break} # selectedLanguageFromMirror is argument for ResolveIBI # Find the language and the language repository - end # puts $selectedLanguageFromMirror # set encodingSystem [encoding system] encoding system utf-8 ;# added by GJFB in 2015-01-09 to solve the accent problem with gjfb.home (Windows OS) when the filePath contains upper case accented letter (e.g., Ã) - must be just before recreating pathInfo if [info exists env(PATH_INFO)] { set pathInfo $env(PATH_INFO) } else { set pathInfo / } # set encodingSystem $encodingSystem # puts $pathInfo # puts [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $pathInfo 1] if [catch {ParseIBIURL $pathInfo $queryString} parsedIBIURL] { # syntax error # example: http://banon-pc3.dpi.inpe.br/rep/LK47B6/362SFKI # puts $parsedIBIURL # => syntax error 2 # global errorInfo # puts $errorInfo source ../$col/$languageRep2/doc/mirror/${selectedLanguageFromMirror}Cover.tcl catch {subst [set [list ${languageRep2}::syntax error]]} output error $output } # ibiURLArray array set ibiURLArray $parsedIBIURL if 1 { # added by GJFB in 2022-07-12 to allow the possible display of Warning1 and Warning2 set fieldNameList2 [concat $ibiURLArray(parsedibiurl.metadatafieldnamelist) {title readpermission mirrorrepository readergroup}] set ibiURLArray(parsedibiurl.metadatafieldnamelist) [lsort -unique $fieldNameList2] set parsedIBIURL [array get ibiURLArray] } # Create urlPropertyList2 # set agencyStructureFlag 0 ;# disable agency structure set agencyStructureFlag 1 ;# enable agency structure set condition [expr $agencyStructureFlag && ([string equal $serverAddress $urlibServerAddress] || [string equal www.$serverAddress $urlibServerAddress]) && [string equal {} $queryString] && ![regexp {[\w/@.]+[!+:]} $pathInfo]] # >>> for testing # set condition [expr $agencyStructureFlag && [string equal {} $queryString]] ;# for testing # set condition [expr $agencyStructureFlag && [file exists $homePath/col/$loCoInRep/auxdoc/agencyHTTPHostList.tcl] && [string equal {} $queryString]] ;# for future use - for more than two resolver layers if 0 { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} puts "condition = $condition" puts "parsedIBIURL = $parsedIBIURL" puts "selectedLanguageFromMirror = $selectedLanguageFromMirror" puts "languageRep1 = $languageRep1" puts "languageRep2 = $languageRep2" puts "localSite = $localSite" } if $condition { # try using the agency structure # agency structure specific code # www.urlib.net resolver running set urlPropertyList2 [CreateListOfurlPropertiesFromAgencies $parsedIBIURL $selectedLanguageFromMirror $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $localSite] # set xxx 2-$urlPropertyList2 # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt binary 0 a set agencyStructureFlag2 1 ;# agency structure used } else { set agencyStructureFlag2 0 ;# agency structure not used } if {!$agencyStructureFlag2 || ([info exists urlPropertyList2] && [string equal {} $urlPropertyList2])} { # agency structure disabled or not used or fails to connect to all agencies and to find the url properties of the ibi # not agency structure specific code # any resolvers (www.urlib.net or agency resolvers) running # agency resolver running # >>> step 1 (output) of the agency structure communication scheme (www.urlib.net resolver -> agency resolver) # http://gjfb.home:1905/rep-/J8LNKB5R7W/3N8UTK5?ibiurl.returntype=urlpropertylist # http://gjfb.home:1905/rep-/urlib.net/www/2013/ ## ibiURLArray # array set ibiURLArray $parsedIBIURL # puts >>>$parsedIBIURL # puts --[array get cgi]-- # set displayWarningMessage 1 ;# commented by GJFB in 2017-02-20 set displayWarningMessage [string equal {content} $ibiURLArray(parsedibiurl.returntype)] ;# added by GJFB in 2017-02-20 - agency structure communication # set countOneClickFlag 1 ;# commented by GJFB in 2017-03-18 # set trueIBIFlag 0 ;# commented by GJFB in 2017-03-18 ## set trueIBIFlag 1 ;# for testing # RESOLVEIBI # www.urlib.net resolver running (displayWarningMessage is 1) # agency resolver running (displayWarningMessage is 0) # set urlPropertyList2 [ResolveIBI $parsedIBIURL $selectedLanguageFromMirror $displayWarningMessage] ;# commented by GJFB in 2017-02-20 set urlPropertyList2 [ResolveIBI $parsedIBIURL $selectedLanguageFromMirror $displayWarningMessage {} 0 $agencyStructureFlag] ;# added by GJFB in 2017-02-20 # puts --$urlPropertyList2-- # set xxx 1-$urlPropertyList2 # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt binary 0 a if [string equal {} $urlPropertyList2] { ;# added by GJFB in 2017-02-20 - agency structure communication # ibi not found # agency resolver (displayWarningMessage is 0 and ResolveIBI doesn't execute the error command) # puts {Content-Type: text/plain} # puts {} # puts {warningmessage {ibi not found}} return ;# must return empty because of the if within CreateListOfurlProperties) exit ;# produces an Internal Server Error } } # Create urlPropertyList2 - end if {[info exists printFlag] && $printFlag} { set list {} foreach {name value} $urlPropertyList2 { lappend list [list $name $value] } puts "Get-: output of ResolveIBI
" puts [join $list
] puts

} array set urlPropertyArray $urlPropertyList2 # puts $urlPropertyArray(url) # site (document site) set site $urlPropertyArray(archiveaddress) # documentServerAddress set documentServerAddress [GetServerAddressFromHTTPHost $site] ;# added by GJFB in 2022-07-12 # puts [info exists urlPropertyArray(metadatafieldlist)] ConditionalSet metadataFieldList urlPropertyArray(metadatafieldlist) {} # puts --$metadataFieldList-- # => --mirrorrepository dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ readergroup {} readpermission {deny from all and allow from 150.163} title {Les tableaux de corrélation dont les marges sont données}-- foreach {metadataFieldName metadataFieldValue} $metadataFieldList { set $metadataFieldName $metadataFieldValue ;# set title, readpermission, mirrorrepository and readergroup } # puts $urlPropertyArray(contenttype) # => Metadata if {0 || [info exists readpermission] && [regexp {deny} $readpermission] && [string equal {Metadata} $urlPropertyArray(contenttype)]} { # added by GJFB in 2022-07-12 to allow the possible display of Warning1 and Warning2 # similar code in Get if ![string equal $site [regsub {:80$} $localSite {}]] { # REDIRECT puts "Location: http://$site$env(REQUEST_URI)" ;# ex: Location: http://gjfb:1905/ibi/Warning2?title=Les tableaux de corrélation dont les marges sont données return } # url set url $urlPropertyArray(url) set convertedURL $url ;# url is already converted in CreateAbsolutePath regsub {http://} $convertedURL {} srcBody if 0 { ConditionalSet metadataFieldList urlPropertyArray(metadatafieldlist) {} foreach {metadataFieldName metadataFieldValue} $metadataFieldList { set $metadataFieldName $metadataFieldValue ;# set title, readpermission, mirrorrepository and readergroup } } # if ![regexp {:} $pathInfo] # ;# added by GJFB in 2021-11-28 otherwise metadata of restricted access information item are not displayed - commented by GJFB in 2022-09-07 if {![regexp {:} $pathInfo] && [string equal {Data} $urlPropertyArray(contenttype)]} { ;# added by GJFB in 2021-11-28 otherwise metadata of restricted access information item are not displayed - added by GJFB in 2022-09-07 to bypass the warning messages when the ibi is the metadata repository of restricted access item # not metadata # puts "$readpermission --$readergroup-- $mirrorrepository $documentServerAddress $site" # puts [ReturnRestrictedAccessWarning $mirrorrepository $documentServerAddress $site] set noAccessRestrictionFlag [ComputeAccessRestrictionFlag $readpermission $env(REMOTE_ADDR)] # puts $noAccessRestrictionFlag if [regexp {allow} $readpermission] { if !$noAccessRestrictionFlag { # access restriction if [ReturnRestrictedAccessWarning $mirrorrepository $documentServerAddress $site] { if [string equal {} $readergroup] { # 2. readp allow and readp deny and not readerg * (search expression) # Warning2 puts "Location: http://$localSite/ibi/Warning2?title=$title" return } else { # 3. readp allow and readp deny and readerg * (search expression) # Warning1 puts "Location: http://$localSite/ibi/Warning1?title=$title&srcbody=$srcBody" return } } } } else { # 4. not readp allow and readp deny and readerg * (search expression) if {[regexp {deny} $readpermission] && ![string equal {} $readergroup]} { if [ReturnRestrictedAccessWarning $mirrorrepository $documentServerAddress $site] { # Warning1 puts "Location: http://$localSite/rep/Warning1?title=$title&srcbody=$srcBody" return } } } } } else { # url set url $urlPropertyArray(url) } ## file # set file $ibiURLArray(parsedibiurl.filepath) ;# used to decide to count one click only - commented by GJFB in 2017-02-25 - file variable not used if 0 { puts {Content-Type: text/plain} puts {} puts --$url-- puts $urlPropertyList2 exit } if 0 { ;# commented by GJFB in 2017-02-23 - pathInfo2 not used # pathInfo2 regsub {http://} $url {} link regexp {[^?]*} $link pathInfo2 ;# drop query string - otherwise URParts would contain ? and EnterQueue (called in WaitQueue called in CountOneClick) would return always 1 set pathInfo2 [file split $pathInfo2] } if {![info exists ibiURLArray(parsedibiurl.returntype)] || [string equal {content} $ibiURLArray(parsedibiurl.returntype)]} { ;# added by GJFB in 2017-02-20 # no returntype (agency structure specific code) or returntype == content # not agency strucure specific code # any resolvers (www.urlib.net or agency resolvers) running # urlPropertyList3 set clientIPAddress [GetClientIP] lappend urlPropertyList3 clientinformation.ipaddress $clientIPAddress lappend urlPropertyList3 contenttype $urlPropertyArray(contenttype) if [info exists urlPropertyArray(ibi)] {lappend urlPropertyList3 ibi $urlPropertyArray(ibi)} ;# urlPropertyArray(ibi) always exists with the URLib platform but may not exist with others, for example when the URL points to metadata lappend urlPropertyList3 servicesubject acknowledgment lappend urlPropertyList3 state $urlPropertyArray(state) # if [info exists urlPropertyArray(url)] {lappend urlPropertyList3 url $urlPropertyArray(url)} lappend urlPropertyList3 url $urlPropertyArray(url) lappend urlPropertyList3 url.persistent http://$localSite$env(REQUEST_URI) ;# add persistent URL # if [info exists urlPropertyArray(urlkey)] {lappend urlPropertyList3 urlkey $urlPropertyArray(urlkey)} lappend urlPropertyList3 urlkey $urlPropertyArray(urlkey) if {[info exists printFlag] && $printFlag} { set list {} foreach {name value} $urlPropertyList3 { lappend list [list $name $value] } puts "Get-: query string for acknowledgment
" puts [join $list
] puts

} if 0 { AcknowledgeArchive $urlPropertyList2 ;# Count one click } else { package require http # servicesubject=acknowledgment # step 5 (input) of the norm communication scheme (resolver -> Archive) set queryString [ConvertListForArratyToQueryString $urlPropertyList3] # set documentServerAddress $urlPropertyArray(archiveaddress) ;# commented by GJFB in 2022-07-12 - now above set index [lindex $urlPropertyArray(ibi.archiveservice) end] if {[info exists printFlag] && $printFlag} { puts http://$documentServerAddress/$index?$queryString puts

} ## J8LNKB5R7W/3FTRH3S == Archive service for IBI resolution # if [catch {http::geturl [ConvertURLToHexadecimal http://$documentServerAddress/J8LNKB5R7W/3FTRH3S?$queryString 1]} token] # # puts [ConvertURLToHexadecimal http://$documentServerAddress/$index?$queryString 1] if [catch {http::geturl [ConvertURLToHexadecimal http://$documentServerAddress/$index?$queryString 1] -timeout 2000} token] { } else { # geturl returned if [string equal {404} [::http::ncode $token]] { # not found # puts {not found} } else { # puts OK # puts --[string trimright [http::data $token]]-- } http::cleanup $token } } # convertedURL if 0 { # doesn't work when opening sid.inpe.br/mtc-m15@80/2006/ (located at mtc-m15) # set encodingName [Execute $documentServerAddress [list GetEncodingName]] # set encodingName utf-8 # set convertToUTF8 [regexp {Apache/2} $env(SERVER_SOFTWARE)] # set convertToUTF8 [expr [regexp {Apache/2} $env(SERVER_SOFTWARE)] || [string equal {utf-8} $env(ENCODING_SYSTEM)]] ;# solves the accent problem - same code is used in xxDocContent.html # set convertToUTF8 [expr [regexp {Apache/2} $env(SERVER_SOFTWARE)] || [string equal {utf-8} $encodingName]] ;# solves the accent problem - same code is used in xxDocContent.html # set link [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $link $convertToUTF8] # set link [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $link 1] ;# solves the accent problem - communication from banon-pc3 to plutao # set convertedURL [ConvertURLToHexadecimal http://$link 1] ;# solves the accent problem - communication from banon-pc3 to plutao set convertedURL [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $url 1] ;# solves the accent problem - communication from banon-pc3 to plutao } else { # returning to old code - done by GJFB in 2010-10-26 # works with http://banon-pc3/rep/dpi.inpe.br/plutao@80/2009/ # works when opening sid.inpe.br/mtc-m15@80/2006/ (located at mtc-m15) if 0 { # commented by GJFB in 2014-12-30 - conversion is now made in CreateAbsolutePath - encodingsystem is obsolete set encodingName $urlPropertyArray(encodingsystem) set convertToUTF8 [string equal {utf-8} $encodingName] ;# solves the accent problem - same code is used in xxDocContent.html } if 0 { if [regsub {^http://[^/]+/(col/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/doc/[^?]*)} $url "$homePath/\\1" filePath] { # filePath is used instead of the target file path because they might not be coded in the same way # commented by GJFB in 2014-12-30 - the url is now utf-8 coded in GetURLPropertyList - encodingsystem is obsolete set convertToUTF8 [expr [string equal {utf-8} $encodingName] && ![file exists $filePath]] ;# solves the accent problem when image file names are coded differently (iso and utf) in the same directory (in consequence of a migration between different operating systems (iso and utf)) - added by GJFB in 2013-09-01 - with the new operating system of md-m09.sid.inpe.br, inputList was created (in UpdateRepMetadataRep) with utf-8 as given by $env(ENCODING_SYSTEM) and the current encoding system is iso8859-1 (because of the apache configuration: AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1 } } if 0 { # commented by GJFB in 2014-12-30 - conversion is now made in CreateAbsolutePath - encodingsystem is obsolete set convertedURL [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $url $convertToUTF8] ;# solves the accent problem - communication from banon-pc3 to plutao } else { # set convertedURL $url ;# url is already converted in CreateAbsolutePath regsub -all { } $url {+} convertedURL ;# added by GJFB in 2015-02-11 to avoid: # Get- (2): Illegal characters in URL path - the URL was 'http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/bibdigital@80/2006/ de cassia&dontdisplaysearchresultwarning=x&choice=briefTitleAuthorMisc' # when entering "roberta de cassia" in the search field at: http://www.inpe.br/biblioteca/ # http::geturl doesn't accept blank space set convertedURL [ConvertURLToHexadecimal $convertedURL] ;# added by GJFB in 2017-07-18 to avoid: # Get- (2): Illegal characters in URL path - when the URL contains a query with | as in y 1983|* (CreateAbsolutePath doesn't process the query part) } } if $env(ERROR_TRACE) { global pid ;# set in MakeCgiScript global clicks ;# set in MakeCgiScript file delete "$homePath/@cgiLog$clicks-$pid" ;# delete doesn't work after puts "Location: " } if 1 { # testing accessibility package require http if [catch {http::geturl $convertedURL -timeout 100} token] { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} puts "Get- (2): $token - the URL was '$convertedURL'" exit } set code [http::code $token] ;# 302 Found; 400 Bad Request; 401 Authorization Required; 403 Forbidden; 404 Not Found http::cleanup $token if ![regexp {200|302|400|401|403|^$} $code] { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} puts "Get- (3): $code" puts $convertedURL exit } } # REDIRECT # puts --[array get env]-- if [regexp {^/zip/} $env(REQUEST_URI)] { ;# added by GJFB in 2021-01-09 set site $urlPropertyArray(archiveaddress) ;# commented by GJFB in 2022-07-12 - now above array set ibiArray $urlPropertyArray(ibi) set rep $ibiArray(rep) puts "Location: http://$site/archive.cgi/$rep" # http://gjfb:1905/archive.cgi/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ puts "" } else { puts "Location: $convertedURL" return } } else { # returntype == urlpropertylist # agency strucure specific code # agency resolver running # added by GJFB in 2017-02-20 - used by the www.urlib.net resolver to get the url property list from the agency resolvers # agency resolver # >>> step 2 (input) of the agency structure communication scheme (agency resolver -> www.urlib.net resolver) puts {Content-Type: text/plain} puts {} puts $urlPropertyList2 # => # archiveaddress gjfb.home:1905 contenttype Data ibi {rep urlib.net/www/2017/ ibip J8LNKB5R7W/3N8UTK5} ibi.archiveservice {rep dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/} ibi.platformsoftware {rep dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/} state Original timestamp 2017-02-05T18:15:54Z url http://gjfb.home:1905/createpage.cgi/urlib.net/www/2017/ urlkey 1488002121-5277263374485597 } } m] { if [regexp {.*} $m] { # HTML code puts {Content-Type: text/html} } else { # not an HTML code puts {Content-Type: text/plain} } puts {} puts $m if 0 {global errorInfo; puts $errorInfo} } } # Get- - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CreateResultList proc CreateResultList {token} { global output global xWaitQueue upvar #0 $token state set returnValue [string trimright $state(body)] ;# drop trailing new line if ![string equal {} $returnValue] { set output $returnValue set xWaitQueue 1 } } # CreateResultList - end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------