# Copyright for the Uniform Repository Service (c) 1995 - 2022, # by Gerald Banon. All rights reserved. # Version 2.1 # download.tcl # creates a zip file in the download directory proc Download {} { if [catch { global env global cgi ;# used by ResolveIBI global homePath ;# used in FindLanguage global loBiMiRep ;# used in MultipleSubmit (called in FindSiteContainingTheOriginal2) global loCoInRep ;# used in FormatSiteList called by FindURLPropertyList called by ReturnURLPropertyList called by ReturnURLPropertyList2 called by ResolveIBI global URLibServiceRepository global localSite ;# used by ResolveIBI in "error $output" global serverAddress ;# used by FindURLPropertyList if 1 { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} } set col ../../../../.. set URLibServiceRepository $env(URLIB_SERVICE_REP) source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities1.tcl source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/cgi/mirrorfind-.tcl # homePath (used in FindLanguage) set homePath $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT) if [info exists env(QUERY_STRING)] { foreach {name value} [split $env(QUERY_STRING) &=] { set cgi([DecodeURL $name]) [DecodeURL $value] } } # loCoInRep set loCoInRep $env(LOCOINREP) # loBiMiRep set loBiMiRep $env(LOBIMIREP) ;# used in MultipleSubmit (called in FindSiteContainingTheOriginal2) # if ![info exists cgi(mirror)] {set cgi(mirror) $env(LOBIMIREP)} ConditionalSet requiredMirror cgi(requiredmirror) $env(LOBIMIREP) ;# used by ReturnURLPropertyList and in Reference set pathInfo [file split $env(PATH_INFO)] # currentRep regsub -all { } [lrange $pathInfo 1 4] {/} currentRep # Find the language and the language repository # use the same languages as used for the local bibliographic mirror foreach {language languageRep1 languageRep2} [FindLanguage $env(LOBIMIREP)] {break} # Find the language and the language repository - end # localSite set localSite $env(SERVER_NAME):$env(SERVER_PORT) # serverAddress set serverAddress [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] source ../$col/$languageRep2/doc/mirror/${language}Download.tcl # frameName if 0 { # commented by GJFB in 202-06-20 # http://gjfb:1905/download.cgi/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@1905/2006/ # ^ # was required if [regexp {/$} $env(PATH_INFO)] { set frameName "" } else { set frameName [lindex $pathInfo end] } } else { # added by GJFB in 202-06-20 # http://gjfb:1905/download.cgi/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@1905/2006/ # last / is no more required set frameName [lindex $pathInfo end] } # puts $frameName switch -exact -- $frameName { # switch -regexp -- $frameName # Reference { # source ../$col/$languageRep2/doc/mirror/${language}Download.tcl ## bgColor # set bgColor [GetBgColor $languageRep1 $language] set localURLibClientSocketId [StartCommunication $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] # metadataRep set metadataRep $cgi(metadatarep) set referenceType [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId \ [list ReturnType metadataArray $metadataRep-0] 0] ;# not async set title [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId \ [list GetFieldValue $metadataRep-0 title] 0] ;# not async # puts --$title-- set authorList [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId \ [list GetAuthor $metadataRep-0] 0] ;# not async set year [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId \ [list GetFieldValue $metadataRep-0 year] 0] ;# not async # puts --$authorList-- ;# may contain an error message set author [FormatAuthorList $authorList] set author "$author :$year:" close $localURLibClientSocketId set output [subst [set ${languageRep2}::reference]] } Instructions { # source ../$col/$languageRep2/doc/mirror/${language}Download.tcl set output [subst [set ${languageRep2}::instructions]] } Buttons { # source ../$col/$languageRep2/doc/mirror/${language}Download.tcl ## bgColor # set bgColor [GetBgColor $languageRep1 $language] # downloadSize set downloadSize [ComputeFileSize ../$col/$currentRep/download/doc.zip] if {$downloadSize == 0} { global "${languageRep2}::No download file available" set downloadWarning "\${No download file available}" } elseif {$downloadSize == 1} { global "${languageRep2}::Kbyte" # set downloadSize "$downloadSize $Kbyte" global "${languageRep2}::(download file size: 1 \$Kbyte)" set downloadWarning "\${(download file size: 1 \$Kbyte)}" } else { global "${languageRep2}::Kbytes" # set downloadSize "$downloadSize $Kbytes" global "${languageRep2}::(download file size: \$downloadSize \$Kbytes)" set downloadWarning "\${(download file size: \$downloadSize \$Kbytes)}" } # set output [subst [set ${languageRep2}::buttons]] # set output [subst [subst [set ${languageRep2}::buttons]]] set output [subst [subst [subst [set ${languageRep2}::buttons]]]] } default { ## find the metadata of currentRep in the appropriate language # set parsedIBIURL [list parsedibiurl.ibi $currentRep parsedibiurl.verblist {GetMetadata GetAppropriateSimilar} parsedibiurl.language $cgi(languagebutton)] # find the metadata of currentRep in the more appropriate language # set parsedIBIURL [list parsedibiurl.ibi $currentRep parsedibiurl.verblist {GetMetadata GetAppropriateSimilar}] set parsedIBIURL [list parsedibiurl.ibi $currentRep parsedibiurl.verblist {GetMetadata GetTranslation}] # puts $parsedIBIURL set urlPropertyList2 [ResolveIBI $parsedIBIURL $language 1] array set urlPropertyArray $urlPropertyList2 # set metadataRep $urlPropertyArray(ibi) array set ibiArray $urlPropertyArray(ibi) set metadataRep $ibiArray(rep) # puts --$metadataRep-- global "${languageRep2}::Download Instructions" set localURLibClientSocketId [StartCommunication $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] set versionState [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list ComputeVersionState $currentRep {} 1] 0] ;# not async - added by GJFB in 2018-01-02 to avoid creating a doc.zip of a modified document # puts --$versionState-- ;# may contain an error message # => {Registered Original} {banon-pc3 800} http://banon-pc3/rep-/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ foreach {versionState} $versionState {break} # puts $versionState array set stateTable { {Registered Original} {Official} {Modified Original} {Modified} {Copy of the Registered Original} {Official} {Copy of an Original} {Copied} {Modified Copy of an Original} {Modified} {Unchecked} {Unchecked} } if 0 { # commented by GJFB in 2021-02-20 if {![string equal {Modified} $stateTable($versionState)] && ![file exists $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$currentRep/download/doc.zip]} { regsub {@.*$} $env(SERVER_ADMIN) {} administratorUserName Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list MakeDownloadFile $currentRep 0 0 0 $administratorUserName] 0 ;# not async } } else { # added by GJFB in 2021-02-20 - an existing doc.zip might be out-of-date if ![string equal {Modified} $stateTable($versionState)] { # administratorUserName is the name of the advanced user who is creating the version stamp when making doc.zip regsub {@.*$} $env(SERVER_ADMIN) {} administratorUserName if [file exists $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$currentRep/download/doc.zip] { # doc.zip exists set seconds [file mtime $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$currentRep/download/doc.zip] set fileTime [clock format $seconds -format %Y:%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -gmt 1] SetFieldValue $serverAddress $metadataRep-0 {metadatalastupdate} if {[string compare $fileTime $metadatalastupdate] == -1} { # fileTime < metadatalastupdate - doc.zip out-of-date # Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list MakeDownloadFile $currentRep 0 0 0 $administratorUserName] 0 ;# not async - commented by GJFB in 2022-01-30 Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list MakeDownloadFile $currentRep 1 0 0 $administratorUserName] 0 ;# not async - added by GJFB in 2022-01-30 to include the source directory - useful to preserve the source directory when turning a copy a matriz after an importation } } else { # doc.zip doesn't exist # Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list MakeDownloadFile $currentRep 0 0 0 $administratorUserName] 0 ;# not async - commented by GJFB in 2022-01-30 Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list MakeDownloadFile $currentRep 1 0 0 $administratorUserName] 0 ;# not async - added by GJFB in 2022-01-30 to include the source directory - useful to preserve the source directory when turning a copy a matriz after an importation } } } # set versionState [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId \ # [list ComputeVersionState $currentRep $env(LOBIMIREP)] 0] ;# not async close $localURLibClientSocketId # foreach {state officialSite imageURL} $versionState {break} # copyrightURL # set officialSite [FindSiteContainingTheOriginal2 $currentRep] ;# with ip set officialSite [FindSiteContainingTheOriginal2 $currentRep 0] ;# without ip - added by GJFB in 2014-06-18 to solve the case of virtual host # if {[string compare $state Official] != 0} # if [string equal {} $officialSite] { set copyrightURL http://$localSite/copyright.cgi/$currentRep } else { set copyrightURL http://[ReturnHTTPHost $officialSite]/copyright.cgi/$currentRep } if 0 { # commented by GJFB in 202-06-20 set output "