# Copyright for the Uniform Repository Service (c) 1995 - 2022, # by Gerald Banon. All rights reserved. # Version 2.1 # cover.tcl # Examples: # http://banon-pc2/cover/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ # http://banon-pc2/cover/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ # http://banon-pc2/cover/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ proc Cover {} { if [catch { global env global cgi ;# used in ResolveIBI called by FindSite2 global col # the line below is commented in order to disregard the parent repositories # global referenceTable ;# used by FindParentList called by CreateCitedRepositoryList called by RepositoryMTime global loCoInRep ;# used by FindParentList called by CreateCitedRepositoryList called by RepositoryMTime global loBiMiRep ;# used in FindURLPropertyList called by ResolveIBI global mirrorHomePageRep ;# defined in FindLanguage (utilities1.tcl) global versionRegistrationTime global hostCollectionSite global homePath ;# used in FindLanguage global URLibServiceRepository global serverAddress ;# used in FindURLPropertyList called by ReturnURLPropertyList called by ReturnURLPropertyList2 called by ResolveIBI called by FindSite2 global localSite ;# used by ResolveIBI in "error $output" global serverAdministratorAddress ;# used in FindURLPropertyList if 0 { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} } set col ../../../../.. set URLibServiceRepository $env(URLIB_SERVICE_REP) source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/utilities1.tcl source ../$col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/cgi/mirrorfind-.tcl # the line below is commented in order to disregard the parent repositories # source $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/.referenceTable.tcl set loCoInRep $env(LOCOINREP) ;# used by FindParentList called by CreateCitedRepositoryList called by RepositoryMTime # homePath (used in FindLanguage) set homePath $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT) if [info exists env(QUERY_STRING)] { foreach {name value} [split $env(QUERY_STRING) &=] { set cgi([DecodeURL $name]) [DecodeURL $value] } } # if ![info exists cgi(mirror)] {set cgi(mirror) $env(LOBIMIREP)} ConditionalSet requiredMirror cgi(requiredmirror) $env(LOBIMIREP) if ![info exists cgi(languagebutton)] {set cgi(languagebutton) {}} set pathInfo [file split $env(PATH_INFO)] # currentRep regsub -all { } [lrange $pathInfo 1 4] {/} currentRep regexp {([^+]*)(\+)?} $currentRep m currentRep plus # Find the language and the language repository # use the same languages as the ones used for the local bibliographic mirror foreach {language languageRep1 languageRep2} [FindLanguage $requiredMirror] {break} # Find the language and the language repository - end # bgColor, background and bgProperties foreach {bgColor background bgProperties fontTag fontTag2} [GetBg $languageRep1 $language] {break} #set background http://$env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$env(LOBIMIREP)/doc/$background source ../$col/$languageRep2/doc/mirror/${language}Cover.tcl # serverAddress set serverAddress [list $env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)] # urlibServerAddress set urlibServerAddress $env(URLIB_SERVER_ADDR) ;# urlib.net and port # localSite set localSite $env(SERVER_NAME):$env(SERVER_PORT) ;# used in the document not found warning # loBiMiRep set loBiMiRep $env(LOBIMIREP) # serverAdministratorAddress set serverAdministratorAddress $env(SERVER_ADMIN) # sampledDocumentDBServerAddress set sampledDocumentDBServerAddress [Execute $serverAddress GetSampledDocumentDBServerAddress] set similarityFlag [string equal {+} $plus] set displayWarningMessage 1 # set siteRep [FindSite2 $currentRep $similarityFlag $language] # if [catch {FindSite2 $currentRep $similarityFlag $language} siteRep] # if [catch {FindSite2 $currentRep $similarityFlag $language 0 $displayWarningMessage} siteRep] { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} puts $siteRep return } if {[llength [lindex $siteRep 1]] > 1} { # there is at least one unfair site # an investigation must be done set hostSiteList {} foreach hostSiteRep $siteRep { lappend hostSiteList [lindex $hostSiteRep 0] } puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} puts "Cover: the sites $hostSiteList are disputing the repository: $currentRep" puts
puts {Please inform urlibservice@gmail.com.} return } # serverAddress # foreach {serverAddress currentRep} $siteRep {break} # set serverAddress [ReturnCommunicationAddress $serverAddress] ;# mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br:80 -> {mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br 800} # puts $siteRep # foreach {site currentRep} $siteRep {break} # set serverAddress [ReturnCommunicationAddress $site] ;# mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br:80 -> {mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br 800} # foreach {site currentRep serverAddress} $siteRep {break} ;# added by GJFB in 2013-08-16 - to work with virtual host foreach {site currentRep} $siteRep {break} set serverAddress [GetServerAddressFromHTTPHost $site] # serverAddress2 regsub { +} $serverAddress {+} serverAddress2 ## site # set site [ReturnHTTPHost $serverAddress] if {$serverAddress != "$env(SERVER_NAME) $env(URLIB_PORT)"} { puts "Location: http://$site/cover/$currentRep" puts "" return } if [regexp {/$} $env(PATH_INFO)] { set frameName "" } else { set frameName [lindex $pathInfo end] } switch -exact -- $frameName { BannerSpace { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} set output [CreateBannerSpace $languageRep1 $language] } Cover { puts {Content-Type: text/html} puts {} # puts [array get cgi] # if ![info exists cgi(targetframe)] {set cgi(targetframe) _parent} ;# used to return the confirmation warning after an update from the full form # regexp {(.*):(.*)} $site m serverName portNumber foreach {serverName urlibPort} [ReturnCommunicationAddress $serverAddress] {break} set localURLibClientSocketId [StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort] if ![info exists cgi(metadatarepository)] { # Find metadataRep in the appropriate language # set parsedIBIURL [list parsedibiurl.ibitype rep parsedibiurl.ibi $currentRep parsedibiurl.verblist GetAppropriateMetadata] set parsedIBIURL [list parsedibiurl.ibi $currentRep parsedibiurl.verblist GetMetadata] set urlPropertyList2 [ResolveIBI $parsedIBIURL $language 1] array set urlPropertyArray $urlPropertyList2 set metadataRep $urlPropertyArray(repository) ;# metadataRep in the appropriate language # Find metadataRep in the appropriate language - end } else { set metadataRep $cgi(metadatarepository) } set versionStamp [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetLastUpdate $metadataRep-0] 0] ;# not async set referenceType [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list ReturnType metadataArray $metadataRep-0] 0] ;# not async set title [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetFieldValue $metadataRep-0 title] 0] ;# not async set authorList [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetAuthor $metadataRep-0] 0] ;# not async set year [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetFieldValue $metadataRep-0 year] 0] ;# not async set previousEdition [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetFieldValue $metadataRep-0 previousedition] 0] ;# not async set nextEdition [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetFieldValue $metadataRep-0 nextedition] 0] ;# not async set authorHomePageRep [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetAuthorHomePage $currentRep] 0] ;# not async set author [FormatAuthorList $authorList] if {[string compare {} $authorHomePageRep] != 0} { regsub {([^,]*),} [EscapeUntrustedData $author] "\\1," author } set author "$author :$year:" set metadataLastUpdate [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetMetadataLastUpdate $metadataRep-0] 0] ;# not async regsub -all { } $metadataLastUpdate {+} metadataLastUpdate2 # set versionState [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list ComputeVersionState $currentRep $cgi(mirror)]] # set versionState [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list ComputeVersionState $currentRep $env(LOCOINREP)]] # set versionState [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list ComputeVersionState $currentRep]] set versionState [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list ComputeVersionState $currentRep {} 1] 0] ;# not async set docPermission [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list GetPermission doc] 0] ;# not async set currentDownloadPermission [Submit $localURLibClientSocketId [list FindCurrentDownloadPermission $currentRep] 0] ;# not async close $localURLibClientSocketId # set sampledDocumentDBServerAddress # set urlibServerAddress # versionRegistrationTime set query [list list GetVersionRegistrationTime $currentRep $versionStamp] # MULTIPLE SUBMIT set versionRegistrationTime {} MultipleSubmit {} $query versionRegistrationTime 1 $sampledDocumentDBServerAddress # set versionRegistrationTime {2002: iconet.com.br/banon/2002/} # hostCollectionSite set query [list list GetHostCollectionSite $currentRep] # MULTIPLE SUBMIT set hostCollectionSite {} # MultipleSubmit {} $query hostCollectionSite 0 [list $urlibServerAddress] MultipleSubmit {} $query hostCollectionSite 1 [list $urlibServerAddress] set hostCollectionSite [join $hostCollectionSite] ;# {banon-pc.dpi.inpe.br 19050} or banon-pc.dpi.inpe.br:1905 regsub -all {(\[|\])} $title {\\\\\\\1} title ;# [1] -> \\\[1\\\] (they are three substitutions below) # regsub -all {\$} $title {\\\\\\$} title ;# cr$30 -> cr\$30 foreach {state officialSite imageURL} $versionState {break} # puts $state array set stateTable { {Registered Original} {Official} {Modified Original} {Modified} {Copy of the Registered Original} {Official} {Copy of an Original} {Copied} {Modified Copy of an Original} {Modified} {Unchecked} {Unchecked} } set state $stateTable($state) # checkWarning set checkWarning "\${

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}" # window regsub -all {/} ${requiredMirror}___$metadataRep {__} window regsub -all {\.|@|-} $window {_} window set window ${window}___0 # previousEditionReference if {[string compare {} $previousEdition] == 0} { set previousEditionReference {} } else { global "${languageRep2}::Previous edition" set previousEditionReference "${Previous edition}
" } # nextEditionReference if {[string compare {} $nextEdition] == 0} { set nextEditionReference {} } else { global "${languageRep2}::Next edition" set nextEditionReference "${Next edition}
" } # howToCite if {[info exists env(BIBINPE_REP)] && [regexp {^Journal Article$|^Book$|^Book Section$|^Edited Book$|^Conference Proceedings$|^Audiovisual Material$|^Thesis$|^Report$|^Electronic Source$|^Misc$} $referenceType]} { global "${languageRep2}::How to cite this document within the BibINPE format" # set howToCite "${How to cite this document within the BibINPE format}
" set howToCite "${How to cite this document within the BibINPE format}
" } else { set howToCite {} } set versionRegistrationWarning {} set hostSiteWarning {} switch -exact -- $state { Modified { set versionWarning "\${The document you are accessing is a\ modified version of version:}" set officialVersion "\${The document is under construction.
}" set copyrightURL "http://$site/copyright.cgi/$currentRep?languagebutton=$language ONCLICK=\"window.open('', 'copyright___$window', 'width=760,height=450,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no')\" TARGET=copyright___$window" # set seconds [DirectoryMTime $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$currentRep/doc] set seconds [RepositoryMTime $currentRep $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)] set lastChange [clock format $seconds -format %Y:%m.%d.%H.%M.%S] set lantern lanternOff.gif } Official { set versionWarning "\${The document you are accessing is\ version:}" set officialVersion "\${Moreover, this version is\ the official one.
}" if {[string compare {} $versionRegistrationTime] != 0} { regexp {(.*):(..)\.(..)\.(..)\.(..)\.(..)} \ [lindex $versionRegistrationTime 0] m year month day hour minute second set versionRegistrationWarning "\${It has been registered in\ \$registrationDate at \$hour:\$minute.
}" global "${languageRep2}::It has been registered in\ \$registrationDate at \$hour:\$minute.
" global "${languageRep2}::registrationDate" global "${languageRep2}::01" global "${languageRep2}::02" global "${languageRep2}::03" global "${languageRep2}::04" global "${languageRep2}::05" global "${languageRep2}::06" global "${languageRep2}::07" global "${languageRep2}::08" global "${languageRep2}::09" global "${languageRep2}::10" global "${languageRep2}::11" global "${languageRep2}::12" set registrationDate [subst [subst $registrationDate]] } if {[string compare {} $hostCollectionSite] != 0} { set hostSiteWarning "\${The original document is\ hold by <\;\$hostCollectionSite>\;.
}" global "${languageRep2}::The original document is\ hold by <\;\$hostCollectionSite>\;.
" } set copyrightURL "http://[ReturnHTTPHost $officialSite]/copyright.cgi/$currentRep?languagebutton=$language ONCLICK=\"window.open('', 'copyright___$window', 'width=760,height=450,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no')\" TARGET=copyright___$window" set lastChange [lindex $versionStamp 0] set lantern lanternOn.gif } Unchecked { set versionWarning "\${The last version of the document that\ you are accessing was:}" set officialVersion "\${The document is composed of many files.}" set copyrightURL "http://$site/copyright.cgi/$currentRep?languagebutton=$language ONCLICK=\"window.open('', 'copyright___$window', 'width=760,height=450,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no')\" TARGET=copyright___$window" set checkWarning "" set lantern lanternOff.gif } default { set versionWarning "\${The document you are accessing is\ version:}" set officialVersion "" set copyrightURL "http://$site/copyright.cgi/$currentRep?languagebutton=$language ONCLICK=\"window.open('', 'copyright___$window', 'width=760,height=450,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no')\" TARGET=copyright___$window" set lastChange [lindex $versionStamp 0] set lantern lanternOff.gif } } # Copyright # drop copyright if the repository contains copyright # or is an external contribution and don't have specific copyright # if [TestContentType $currentRep "Copyright|External Contribution" $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)] if {[TestContentType $currentRep "Copyright" $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)] || \ [TestContentType $currentRep "External Contribution" $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)] && \ ![file exists $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$currentRep/service/copyright]} { set copyright "


" } else { global "${languageRep2}::Copyright" set copyright "


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WARNING: the document in this\ repository has a restricted access. Just authorized clients can open\ it.}" } Load $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$currentRep/service/targetFile targetFile # adobeURL # set adobeURL http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html # set adobeURL "http://$site/rep-/dpi.inpe.br/lise/2004/ TARGET=_blank" set adobeURL "http://www.adobe.com/go/getreader/ TARGET=_blank" ;# added by GJFB in 2012-05-03 # set adobeVersion 5.1 set adobeVersion 10.1.0 ;# added by GJFB in 2012-05-03 if [regexp {.[Pp][Dd][Ff]$} $targetFile] { set warning "$warning\${
The document is in PDF format.\ Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to display it.
\ If the document access cannot be completed,\ we recommend the free installation of Acrobat Reader Version \$adobeVersion.\
\ This recommendation applies also in case of broken links.
\ Downloading Acrobat Reader \$adobeVersion Software}" } elseif ![catch {glob $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$currentRep/doc/*.pdf} pdfFileList] { if {[llength $pdfFileList] > 0} { # set warning "$warning\${
WARNING: the document\ #contains links. Use Netscape Navigator to resolve them.\ #
Downloading Netscace Navigator Software}" # set netscapeURL http://www.home.netscape.com/computing/download/index.html?cp=hom07tdow set warning "$warning\${
The document contains one or more PDF files.
\ We recommend using the Acrobat Reader Version \$adobeVersion to display them.
\ Downloading Acrobat Reader \$adobeVersion Software}" } } # Create warning - end # Create fileSystem and download # if {[regexp Official $state] && [file exists $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT)/col/$currentRep/download/doc.zip]} # if [regexp {Official|AllowDownload} $state] if ![regexp {Modified} $state] { if {[string compare $currentDownloadPermission {deny from all}] != 0} { # display file system set fileSystem "\${ | file system}" # display download # set download "\${ | download}" set download "\${ | download}" set extraSpace "" } else { set fileSystem "" set download "" set extraSpace "" } } else { set fileSystem "" set download "" set extraSpace "" } # Create fileSystem and download - end global "${languageRep2}::The document you are accessing is version:" global "${languageRep2}::The document you are accessing is a\ modified version of version:" global "${languageRep2}::The last version of the document that\ you are accessing was:" global "${languageRep2}::The document is under construction.
" global "${languageRep2}::Moreover, this version is\ the official one.
" global "${languageRep2}::The document is composed of many files." global "${languageRep2}::
WARNING: the document in this\ repository has a restricted access. Just authorized clients can open\ it." global "${languageRep2}::
The document is in PDF format.\ Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to display it.
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\ This recommendation applies also in case of broken links.
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The document contains one or more PDF files.
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\ Downloading Acrobat Reader \$adobeVersion Software" global "${languageRep2}::
WARNING: the document\ contains links. Use Netscape Navigator to resolve them.\
Downloading Netscace Navigator Software" global "${languageRep2}:: | file system" # global "${languageRep2}:: | download" global "${languageRep2}:: | download" # global "${languageRep2}:: | download (\$downloadSize) " global "${languageRep2}::

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" # accessDate global "${languageRep2}::accessDate" global "${languageRep2}::Jan" global "${languageRep2}::Feb" global "${languageRep2}::Mar" global "${languageRep2}::Apr" global "${languageRep2}::May" global "${languageRep2}::Jun" global "${languageRep2}::Jul" global "${languageRep2}::Aug" global "${languageRep2}::Sep" global "${languageRep2}::Oct" global "${languageRep2}::Nov" global "${languageRep2}::Dec" set accessDate [subst [GetAccessDate $accessDate]] #set output [subst [subst [subst [set ${languageRep2}::html]]]] set output [set ${languageRep2}::html] # Add Banner with INPE filter if ![regexp {^150.163} $env(IP_ADDR)] { regsub {} $output "[BannerScript $col/cover/$currentRep/BannerSpace]" output } # Add Banner with INPE filter - end # set output [subst $output] set output [subst [subst [subst $output]]] } default { # set output " # # #Document Cover # # # # # # #Your browser cannot display frames. # # #" puts "Location: $col/cover/$currentRep/Cover?$env(QUERY_STRING)" puts "" return } } puts [SetFont $output] } m] {puts
; if 0 {global errorInfo; puts
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