# Setting the preference (SP) # Gerald Banon, 1998 - 2023 package provide dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ 2.1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc SPHelp {entryWidget entryName varName} { # runs with start # entryName and varName not used in DDHelp (used in XXDirectory) global homePath global loCoInRep # regexp ".*\.sp" $entryWidget win ;# .sp or .window.output.sp # set win $entryWidget set t .sphelp.f.t $t delete 1.0 end set font [lindex [lindex [$t configure -font] end] 0] $t configure -font {$font 10} TextStyles $t Insert $t insert \ {Setting the Preferences} TagAdd $t bold12 {Setting the Preferences} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "Before using URLibService, you should set your\ preferences: language, e-mail address, browser and port number.\ You enter them in the appropriate forms and then you click\ the OK Button." TagAdd $t italic {language} TagAdd $t italic {e-mail address} TagAdd $t italic {browser} TagAdd $t italic {port number} TagAdd $t current9 OK TagAdd $t blue {OK Button} TagAdd $t {OK Button} {OK Button} TagBind $t {OK Button} $entryWidget.buttons.ok.ok $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ {To select the appropriate form, you click the corresponding\ button in Button Bar or the Scroll Buttons.} TagAdd $t blue {Button Bar} TagAdd $t {Button Bar} {Button Bar} TagBind $t {Button Bar} "$entryWidget.menubar.language.b \ $entryWidget.menubar.mail.b $entryWidget.menubar.browser.b \ $entryWidget.menubar.port.b" TagAdd $t blue {Scroll Buttons} TagAdd $t {Scroll Buttons} {Scroll Buttons} TagBind $t {Scroll Buttons} "$entryWidget.scroll.backward.b \ $entryWidget.scroll.forward.b" $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ {Additionally, you can also set the appropriate permission\ for the local collection as a whole.} TagAdd $t italic {permission} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ {Setting the Language} TagAdd $t bold {Setting the Language} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "You set the language by entering the name of one of the existing\ languages in the Language Form." TagAdd $t blue {Language Form} TagAdd $t {Language Form} {Language Form} TagBind $t {Language Form} $entryWidget.lbpre language TagAdd $t italic language $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "To enter the language name, you can use the keyboard or alternatively\ the two Buttons < and >. First you press the < Button until\ the form is either cleared or containing the first letters of\ the desired language and then you select the apropriate\ entry menu." TagAdd $t courier11 < TagAdd $t courier11 > TagAdd $t blue {Buttons < and >} TagAdd $t {Buttons < and >2} {Buttons < and >} TagBind $t {Buttons < and >2} "$entryWidget.pre.entry.button1.1 \ $entryWidget.pre.entry.button2.2" TagAdd $t blue {< Button} TagAdd $t {< Button} {< Button} TagBind $t {< Button} $entryWidget.pre.entry.button1.1 $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "A click outside the menu makes it unpost. By pressing\ the > Menu Button, you post it again." TagAdd $t courier11 > TagAdd $t blue {> Menu Button} TagAdd $t {> Menu Button} {> Menu Button} TagBind $t {> Menu Button} $entryWidget.pre.entry.button2.2 $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "You can use the Back Space Key in place of the < Button." TagAdd $t italic {Back Space Key} TagAdd $t courier11 < $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "The S Menu Button (S for Select) may be used to re-enter the name of\ one of the most recently set languages." TagAdd $t current9 S TagAdd $t blue {S Menu Button} TagAdd $t {S Menu Button2} {S Menu Button} TagBind $t {S Menu Button2} $entryWidget.pre.entry.button3.3 $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ {Setting your E-Mail Address} TagAdd $t bold {Setting your E-Mail Address} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "You set your e-mail address by entering it in the E-Mail Address\ Form. It has to be of the form: ." TagAdd $t blue {E-Mail Address Form} TagAdd $t {E-Mail Address Form} {E-Mail Address Form} TagBind $t {E-Mail Address Form} $entryWidget.lbpre mail TagAdd $t italic {e-mail address} TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t italic {private} TagAdd $t italic {not} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "If you enter some capital letters, they will be automatically\ changed into small ones by pressing the OK Button." TagAdd $t current9 OK $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "If you want to set an e-mail address that was previously\ set, instead of typing it again, you can use the two\ Buttons < and > as described above for entering your\ language." TagAdd $t courier11 < TagAdd $t courier11 > TagAdd $t courier11 < -backward TagAdd $t blue {Buttons < and >} TagAdd $t {Buttons < and >} {Buttons < and >} TagBind $t {Buttons < and >} "$entryWidget.pre.entry.button1.1 \ $entryWidget.pre.entry.button2.2" $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "The S Menu Button (S for Select) may be used to re-enter one of the\ most recently set e-mail addresses." TagAdd $t current9 S TagAdd $t blue {S Menu Button} TagAdd $t {S Menu Button} {S Menu Button} TagBind $t {S Menu Button} $entryWidget.pre.entry.button3.3 $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "The R Button (R for Remove) can be used to remove one of the\ previously set e-mail addresses." TagAdd $t current9 Remove TagAdd $t blue {Remove Button} TagAdd $t {Remove Button} {Remove Button} TagBind $t {Remove Button} $entryWidget.pre.entry.button4.4 TagAdd $t italic remove $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "In order to easily fill the entry, even partially,\ with a known previous entry, you may use the Tab Key." $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ {Setting the Browser} TagAdd $t bold {Setting the Browser} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "You set the browser by entering the name of one of the existing\ browsers in the Browser Form." TagAdd $t blue {Browser Form} TagAdd $t {Browser Form} {Browser Form} TagBind $t {Browser Form} $entryWidget.lbpre browser TagAdd $t italic browser $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "You enter the browser name in the same way you enter\ your language." $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ {Setting the Port Number} TagAdd $t bold {Setting the Port Number} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "You set the port number by entering in the Port Number Form\ the integer <80> or an integer between <1905> and <6553>," TagAdd $t blue {Port Number Form} TagAdd $t {Port Number Form} {Port Number Form} TagBind $t {Port Number Form} $entryWidget.lbpre port TagAdd $t fixed {<80>} TagAdd $t fixed {<1905>} TagAdd $t fixed {<6553>} TagAdd $t italic {port number} Insert $t insert \ " or an integer between <800> and <65539> preceded by a valid HTTP host name\ (e.g., hermes) or full name (e.g., hermes.dpi.inpe.br or www.urlib.net)." TagAdd $t fixed {<800>} TagAdd $t fixed {<65539>} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "You enter the port number in the same way you enter\ your e-mail address." $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "When you start URLibService, your local collection is\ automatically posted on the Web through a dedicated\ HTTP server. The HTTP address of your local collection\ is the address of this server. It is of the form\ ." TagAdd $t fixed {} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "Each local collection has is own HTTP address.\ We recommend using the integer <80> as port number\ of this address. If this port number is already in use\ for a given use for example the\ port number <1905>." TagAdd $t fixed {<80>} TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {<1905>} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "It is useful to know that if you choose \ (for example <80>) as your port number, then\ the port numbers and \ (in the example, <800> and <801>)\ will be used respectively by the URLib Local Collection Server\ and the Secure Sockets Layer." TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {<80>} TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {<800>} TagAdd $t fixed {<801>} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "If the is a virtual host at port <80>\ then you must enter the expression \ (assuming that port <802> is unused)." TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {<80>} TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {<802>} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ {Setting the Permission} TagAdd $t bold {Setting the Permission} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "You set the default web access permission for the \ and directories of each repository of the local collection\ by filling the Permission Form." TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t blue {Permission Form} TagAdd $t {Permission Form} {Permission Form} TagBind $t {Permission Form} $entryWidget.lbperm TagAdd $t italic {permission} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "By using the check boxes, you select the appropriate\ level of priority for the and directories separately.\ The resulting permission is given by the highest priority checked\ (1st meaning the highest priority)." TagAdd $t blue {check boxes} TagAdd $t {check boxes} {check boxes} TagBind $t {check boxes} "\ $entryWidget.perm.tab.v1.h2 $entryWidget.perm.tab.v1.h3 \ $entryWidget.perm.tab.v2.h2 $entryWidget.perm.tab.v2.h3" TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "For example, if you check the first priority for the \ directory, then the permission for that directory will be\ , what means that there will be no access\ restriction for the files within the directory." TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t italic {no} TagAdd $t fixed {} -backward $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "If you leave unchecked the first and second priority, then\ the permission will be , what means that the\ access will be forbiden for everyone." TagAdd $t fixed {} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "If you check only the second priority, then the permission\ is given by whatever you fill in the white field. The lines\ in this field must be of the form: or\ . Host is , a (partial) domain name or\ a (partial) IP address." TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {>} -backward TagAdd $t italic {host} TagAdd $t italic {host} -backward TagAdd $t italic {Host} TagAdd $t fixed {} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "For example, if you check the second priority and fill\ the white field with ,\ then the hosts in the domain will have an\ allowed access and all other hosts will have a\ denied access." TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "It might be interesting to note that the check boxes\ are dependent each other in such a way that the directory\ has always less permission than the directory." TagAdd $t fixed {} TagAdd $t fixed {} $t insert insert "\n\n" if 0 { Insert $t insert \ "Using the E-Mail Address to Name the Repositories" TagAdd $t bold {Using the E-Mail Address to Name the Repositories} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "If you use your computer in standalone mode, that is,\ if your computer is not part of the Internet, then you\ should use your e-mail address to define the first\ two parts of a repository name. This is done by\ checking the Use Mail check box." TagAdd $t current9 {Use Mail} -backward TagAdd $t blue {check box} TagAdd $t {check box 1} {check box} TagBind $t {check box 1} $entryWidget.check.check1 $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "Nevertheless, if your e-mail address is used in more than\ one URLib local collection, then we strongly recommand\ to avoid the use of your e-mail address to name the repositories\ and to leave unchecked the Use Mail check box." TagAdd $t current9 {Use Mail} -backward TagAdd $t blue {check box} TagAdd $t {check box 1} {check box} TagBind $t {check box 1} $entryWidget.check.check1 $t insert insert "\n\n" } Insert $t insert \ "Enable the Require User Option" TagAdd $t bold {Enable the Require User Option} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "By checking the Require User check box you enable\ this option (Apache directive), and consequently the pop-up Login/Password windows." TagAdd $t current9 {Require User} -backward TagAdd $t blue {check box} TagAdd $t {check box 1} {check box} TagBind $t {check box 1} $entryWidget.check.check1 $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "Use User Authentication" TagAdd $t bold {Use User Authentication} $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ "By checking the Use User Authentication check box you restrict\ the access to ALL the records of the local collection through username/password." TagAdd $t current9 {Use User Authentication} -backward TagAdd $t blue {check box} TagAdd $t {check box 2} {check box} TagBind $t {check box 2} $entryWidget.check.check2 if [info exists loCoInRep] { # not installation $t insert insert "\n\n" Insert $t insert \ {The authenticated user list is defined in the file\ <$var1/col/$var2/auxdoc/@passwords.txt>.} {} $homePath $loCoInRep TagAdd $t fixed {<$var1/col/$var2/auxdoc/@passwords.txt>} -forward $homePath $loCoInRep } $t insert insert "\n" $t configure -state disabled }