# addition by GJFB in 2023-09-03 to maintain forcehistorybackflag to 1 in Archival Unit content. # addition by GJFB in 2023-10-13 to include AlmaLinux distribution - otherwise LoadModule variable is not set (used with Apache/2.4.53 (AlmaLinux)). # addition by GJFB in 2023-10-13 to turn loading of the libphp5.so module optional (plutao installation). # addition by GJFB in 2023-10-14 to let known about the error (see EnterQueue in utilities1.tcl)). # addition by GJFB in 2023-10-15 - frozencontent -> frozencontents (see cgi/displaydoccontent.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2023-10-15 to drop the test to known if Apache is on - required because sometimes the socket works even the port is in use (new plutao) (see StartServer.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2023-10-24 to inform the date and time of the identifier warning: Identifier not found (see doc/mirror/xxCover.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2023-10-26 to solve an accent problem witch doesn't allow uploading files whose names contain one or more accents; 'file size testê.txt' works with patchlevel 8.5.7 but not with patchlevel 8.6.10 (testê.txt must be used instead of testê.txt) (see DirectorySize in utilities1.tcl)). # addition by GJFB in 2023-11-06 of the menu option 'Imagem por IA' (see optionTable(Image,%9) in col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/2000/ # addition by GJFB in 2023-11-15 to create the @archiveFederation file in $homePath - used in urlib.net/www/2023/ only (see utilitiesStart.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2023-11-16 of the forcehistorybackflag attribute to get the green return button displayed after update (see utilitiesMirror.tcl xxUpdateSubmission.html cgi/submit.tcl cgi/mirror.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2023-11-18 from trim to trimleft in PutDocumentOnClipboard to successfully run unzip with tcl 8.6 - one cannot trimright zip file in Linux (the last five null characters are used as a end-of-file for unzip), otherwise one gets the unzip error: 'End-of-central-directory signature not found.' (see PutDocumentOnClipboard in utilities1.tcl)). # addition by GJFB in 2023-12-12 of CC version 4.0: # - repository name substitution from 3.0 to 4.0 in col/iconet.com.br/banon/2006/ and col/iconet.com.br/banon/2006/ # - updating creativeCommonsRepositoryArray adding version number and repository names of version 4.0 in Get (see col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ # - updating mirror/xxCover.tcl # - updating optionTable2($item,%@copyright) adding repository names of version 4.0 in col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/2000/ # addition by GJFB in 2023-12-15 for changing the option doi to urn/doi (see StartServer.tcl and cgi/from.tcl) # addition by GJFB in 2023-12-16 of the query field 'ibiurl.backgroundlanguage' to ensure the Warning1 and Warning2 display in the same language as of the upper menu bar (see Get in cgi/get.tcl) # addition by GJFB in 2023-12-18 to allow the use of the browser language preference when the variable 'languagePreference' in displayControl.tcl doesn't exist or is empty (see CreatePermissionList in utilitiesStart.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2023-12-20 to display the shorttitle instead of the citationkey (see CreateOptionListForCopyright in utilities1.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2024-01-01 to solve the opening of 'Example of robust hypertext and authentic data' (QABCDSTQQW/4AEFPDB) - now GetOptimizedListOfSites is executed remotely by Execute instead of MultipleExecute (see FindURLPropertyList in utilities1.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-01-04 of the cgi field name ibiurl.clientinformation.citingitem in From to turn persistent hyperlinks robust - the field value (the repository name of the citing item) transit from From (from.tcl) -> Get (cgi/get.tcl) -> Script (Archive service for IBI resolution - urlib.net/www/2014/ -> AcknowledgeArchive (utilities1.tcl) -> PostponeOneClickCount (utilitiesStart.tcl) -> CountOneClick (utilitiesStart.tcl) -> UpdateCitingItemList (utilitiesStart.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-01-04 of one more condition in ControlBCButtonState (see utilities2.tcl) to disable the Delete button when the file service/citingItemList exists and, in this way, to turn the persistent hyperlinks robust. # move by GJFB in 2024-01-10 of the commands set searchSite2 and set searchMirror2 to avoid the erro: can't read "searchSite2": no such variable, when the password field is empty and the + button is pressed. # addition by GJFB in 2024-01-21 of the citingitemlist field in referTables.tcl - used to search for citing itens created when activating robust hyperlinks and then removed (see DeleteRepository in utilities2.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2024-02-04 to delete searchResult.tcl if $numberOfSatisfiedSearches >= $totalNumberOfSearches (see CraeteTclPage in utilities1.tcl. # addition by GJFB in 2024-02-25 of one more condition based on the number of entries of environmentArray or of other arrays to preserve the backup array (see StoreArrayWithBackup in utilities1.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-03-05 of the messageForSentinel file used in sentinel.tcl to know about the end of the posting process (see post). # addition by GJFB in 2024-03-08 of the option -s as an argument value for post. # addition by GJFB in 2024-03-09 of the procedure FileExists in utilities1.tcl. # addition by GJFB in 2024-03-10 of the variable monitoringList in cgi/mirror and pt-BRAbout.html to inform if the INPE servers have their sentinel process turned on or off. # addition by GJFB in 2024-03-12 of the option -s when calling kill-post to leave the sentinel process running (see ServeLocalCollection in StartService.tcl). # move by GJFB in 2024-03-14 of the kill and post action from ServeLocalCollection (see StartService.tcl) to KillPost in sentinel.tcl. # added by GJFB in 2024-03-19 the variable displayTable(Resume,%@creatorhistory) in col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/2000/ # added by GJFB in 2024-03-19 in MountHTMLPage (see displaydoccontent.tcl) the sorage of the file thisResume.html in Resume. # set by GJFB in 2024-03-19 in Submit (see submit.tcl) targetFileOption to 'disable' for Resume, otherwise displaydoccontent.cgi is not called and the Resume page is not updated. # removal by GJFB of the async option of Execute in CreateMirror (see cgi/mirror.tcl) when remotly executing TestSentinelProcess. # addition by GJFB in 2024-03-23 of the hiddenrecord parameter option for the parameterlist field to be used in Archival Unit (see UpdateBody in displaydoccontent.tcl and GetSearchResult in utilities1.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-04-03 of a file delete in StoreURLContent (see utilities2.tcl) - useful when using DisplayNumberOfEntries (see utilities3.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-04-04 of the option -f for ./start to force opening the main window - useful with SSH when the console becomes inactive (see start). # change by GJFB in 2024-04-05 of the place of the default accent and case value setting in MountHTMLPage (see displaydoccontent.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-04-08 of a regsub command to preserve the ampersand (&) caracter in coded password (see MountSearch in Search.tcl) - solve the access to hidden items like in id 8JMKD3MGPCW/3KDBH7S. # addition by GJFB in 2024-04-27 of the command UpdateCitingItemList in MountHTMLPage (see cgi/displaydoccontent.tcl) to remove the name of thisRepository (source) from the citing item list of repository (destination) - this is important to allow the activation of the Delete button of repository (destination). # addition by GJFB in 2024-04-27 of the removal of empty service/citingItemList (see UpdateCitingItemList in utilitiesStart.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-05-02 of the removal of empty service/citingItemList (see ControlBCButtonState in utilities2.tcl) - migration measure. # addition by GJFB in 2024-05-05 of a call to Select2 to retrieve the original name of old repositories whose names contain capital letters (see FindRepositoryNameFromIBI in utilitiesMirror.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-05-05 of the php_module for Apache in AlmaLinux (see CreateConfigurationFiles in StartServer.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-05-06 of the command 'Set startApacheServer 1' in Script (see col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc@1905/2005/ to restart the Apache Server - required, for example, when importing a bibliographical mirror repository, otherwise produces a 'mirror.cgi not found' httpd error. # removal by GJFB in 2024-05-09 of the .php listing restriction in CreateDirectoryContentList (see utitlities1.tcl) to allow remote editing of target file like index.php. # addition by GJFB in 2024-05-09 of TestContentType in InstallRepository (see CreateMainWindow.tcl) and in Script (see col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc@1905/2005/ to conditionally restart the Apache Server. # removal by GJFB in 2024-05-11 of the .php deposit and unpack restriction in DDRoutine and UnPack (see DDDialog.tcl) to allow remote editing of .php file. # addition by GJFB in 2024-05-19 of an if to avoid the error message: 'CreateMirror (5): list element in braces followed by ">" instead of space' when displaying the xxAbout.html frame (see GetNumberOfReferences in utilitiesMirror.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-05-25 of two lines "set siteList {}" otherwise one gets the error: can't read "siteList": no such variable, when, for example, urlib.net is down (see post). # addition by GJFB in 2024-05-26 of \\\\ (four backslashes) in CreateTclPage (see utilitties1.tcl) to preserve the input string \\documentclass in a regsub command. # change by GJFB in 2024-05-29 in makeThumbnail.py to work with python 3.12 # change by GJFB in 2024-06-01 of hyperlink - copyright repositories are in urlib.net which can be reached using relative hyperlink (see CreateFullEntry in utilitiesMirror.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-06-05 of an if to capture an error message in ServeLocalCollection (see StartServer.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2024-06-08 of an absolute hyperlink to ensure the existence of the forcehistorybackflag field in the hyperlink (see UpdateBody in displaydoccontent.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2024-06-20 made in notes of Misc of bibinpe (see col/iconet.com.br/banon/2003/ # addition by GJFB in 2024-06-21 of short red message to comment about the restricted access (see CreateBriefEntry in utilitiesMirror.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2024-07-07 of the {out-of-date search} variable, removing the command ONCLICK="history.back()" (see mirror/xxSubmit.tcl), otherwise the search result is not updated. # change by GJFB in 2024-07-07 of the Header variable, changing from brief to briefTitleAuthorMisc (see mirror/xxCover.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2024-07-07 of the Header variable, changing from NAME=\"outputformat\" VALUE=\"$outputFormat\" to NAME=\"outputformat\" VALUE=\"NAME=\"outputformat\" VALUE=\"year-cite\"\", otherwise the Return button of the search result page doesn't return to the original Archival Unit page (see mirror/xxCover.tcl) when updating an information item. # change by GJFB in 2024-07-08 of the priority order for the resumeid and orcid presentation (see CreateBriefEntry in utilitiesMirror.tcl). # change by GJFB in 2024-07-15 from absolute to relative hyperlink of the green return button in the case of "no return path and child" to resolve IBI using the global resolver urlib.net when the IBI cannot be resolved locally, for example, when the nexthigher unit doesn't belong within the search scope of the Archive (see xxCover.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-07-23 of an image file type test in DisplayDocContent (see cgi/displaydoccontent .tcl) otherwise, when the target file type is neither .bmp nor .jpg, the UpdateContentDescriptionFile doesn't create contentDescription.tcl and an error occurs when calling CreateInputList. # addition by GJFB in 2024-07-25 of the variable {not transferred} in mirror/xxSearchResult.tcl and the respective global command cgi/mirrorget.tcl - required when displaying metadata with CreateFullEntry after a search expression like 'doc transferre*'. # addition by GJFB in 2024-08-05 of an optional image header (headerBanner.png or headerBanner.jpg) and an optional image footer (footerBanner.png or footerBanner.jpg) in Resume and Archival Unit (see MountHTMLPage in cgi/displaydoccontent.tcl). Examples: sid.inpe.br/marciana/2005/ and sid.inpe.br/marte2/2024/ # removal by GJFB in 2024-08-08 of the parentrepositories option in the field menu of Item 8 of the Administrator Page (see Script in col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc@1905/2005/ - changes of parentrepositories should be made using the URLibService window. # addition by GJFB in 2024-08-12 of the use of GetServerAddressFromHTTPHost in CreateMetadataTags (see utilities1.tcl) to use serverAddress instead of localSite due to a limitation of Execute. # addition by GJFB in 2024-08-17 of a call to CallTrace for reverse engineering in EnterQueue (see utilities1.tcl). # removal by GJFB in 2024-08-17 of an unnecessary call to OpenSession in GetURLPropertyList (see utilitiesMirror.tcl) because under overloaded use (sort of Denial-of-Service attack) the OpenSession procedure doesn't return. # removal by GJFB in 2024-08-17 of an unnecessary call to CloseSession in AcknowledgeArchive (see utilities1.tcl) because there is no more urlkey open session (see GetURLPropertyList). # addition by GJFB in 2024-08-25 of a test to display or not the URL word in a Brief Entry (see CreateBriefEntry in utilitiesMirror.tcl) depending of the existence or not of an IBIp or an IBIn. # addition by GJFB in 2024-08-29 of the if condition [string equal {} $documentStage] to ensure at update the permanence of the current advanced user when the documentStage value is empty (see Submit in cgi/submit.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-09-02 of two http::cleanup commands in GetServerAddressFromHTTPHost (see utilities1.tcl). # addition by GJFB in 2024-09-04 of the catch command in CreateMetadata (see col/iconet.com.br/banon/2003/ to capture the error 'can't read "metadata": no such variable'. # addition by GJFB in 2024-09-04 of the line 'set metadata {}' in CreateXMLNameValuePairs (see utilities1.tcl) - some field values might be empty (example: value of citingitemlist). # addition by GJFB in 2024-09-05 of the line 'if [string equal $site $localSite] {return $serverAddress}' in GetServerAddressFromHTTPHost (see utilities1.tcl) to speed up execution and avoid executing http::geturl http://$site/@urlibPort at installation (this command results in the error: 'connect failed connection refused' while accessing, for example, site: --gjfb:1906-- # addition by GJFB in 2024-09-13 of the catch command in post to preserve not corruped sessionList (useful when the ListRecords and ListIdentifiers of the OAI-PMH are in use). # addition by GJFB in 2024-09-18 of the catch command in SortRandomNumber (see utilities1.tcl) to reset randomSeed when, for some reason, it is corrupted or empty (otherwise displaying a bibliographic mirror produces a 500 error). # addition by GJFB in 2024-10-11 of an alert message about the lack of zip which could interrupt the submit process (see post). # addition by GJFB in 2024-10-14 of the catch command in FindInternetAddress (see utilitiesStart.tcl) - useful when, at post, ping returns 100% packet loss. # addition by GJFB in 2024-10-19 of the variable processedAbstractField to preserve the processed abstract field value for further ajust of metadataEntryList2 and metadataEntryList3 because of a split added in ProcessAbstractField (see ProcessAbstractField in utilities1.tcl and Submit in cgi/submit.tcl) - solves the problem of the creation of successive braces in abstract around special caracters that need to be coded, for example, when ~ must be coded as a tilde operator (code ∼). # addition by GJFB in 2024-10-20 of the variables timeIntervalArray(UpdateSiteList) and timeIntervalArray(ReturnConfirmation) in MultipleSubmit (see mirrorfind-.tcl) to avoid error (17a) in post. # addition by GJFB in 2024-11-20 of an if to detect one line contents field in the case of the theme option. # addition by GJFB in 2024-11-26 of the return command in Search (see col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ to avoid returning all the collection upon searches like *. # addition by GJFB in 2024-11-26 of the line 'UpdateRobotstxtFile $loBiMiRep 1 1 robotsLineList' in StartService (see utilitiesStart.tcl) to avoid the mirror access by robots and consequently the access to 'related content'. # addition by GJFB in 2024-12-05 of an if to avoid to trigger the kill process in sentinel.tcl (used in Linux) during the execution of the SaveAllData procedure in post, because MultipleExecute in sentinel.tcl may not result in an OK during the execution of the SaveAllData.