# Copyright for URLibService (c) 1995 - 2020, # by Gerald Banon. All rights reserved. # Depositing a Document (DD) package provide dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ 2.1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DDDialog # Example 33-2 # the entry names and types are: # ddDirectory .dir. # ddRepository .rep. proc DDDialog {} { # runs with start global w global environmentArray global tcl_platform global ddChoice1 ddChoice2 global ddChoice3 # global ddLanguage currentLanguage # global keyRepositoryList # global dd.dirPostMenu # global dd.repPostMenu global ddDirectory global ddRepository global typeTable global listNameTable # global ddDialogLanguage global col # set col ../../../../.. set ddDirectory ddDirectory set ddRepository ddRepository set typeTable(ddDirectory) .dir. set typeTable(ddRepository) .rep. set listNameTable(ddDirectory) {} set listNameTable(ddRepository) keyRepositoryList set listNameTable(ddSearch) {} frame $w.main set f $w.main.dd frame $f # set currentLanguage $environmentArray(spLanguageEntry) ## ddDialogLanguage # set ddDialogLanguage $currentLanguage Header $f "Depositing a Document" frame $f.sp1 -height .2c ;# extra space set font [lindex [$f.lb configure -font] end] # Which? # frame $f.dir -borderwidth 4 -relief groove frame $f.dir -borderwidth 2 -relief groove frame $f.dir.sp -height .2c ;# extra space label $f.lbwhich -font {$font 10 roman} ConfigText $f.lbwhich " Which ? " message $f.dir.msg -width 10c -justify center ConfigText $f.dir.msg \ "Choose the Default or Empty Document option, or enter the document folder name." # ConfigText $f.dir.msg \ #"Choose the Empty Document option, #or enter the document folder name." frame $f.dir.h1 frame $f.dir.h1.h1 SetInitialValue ddChoice1 empty radiobutton $f.dir.h1.h1.b1 -variable ddChoice1 \ -value default -cursor hand2 ConfigText $f.dir.h1.h1.b1 { Default Document} frame $f.dir.h1.h1.sp -width 1c ;# extra space radiobutton $f.dir.h1.h1.b2 -variable ddChoice1 \ -value empty -cursor hand2 ConfigText $f.dir.h1.h1.b2 { Empty Document} frame $f.dir.h1.h2 frame $f.dir.h1.h2.v2 radiobutton $f.dir.h1.h2.b3 -variable ddChoice1 \ -value directory -cursor hand2 set aWhich [Selector $f.dir.h1.h2.v2 ddDirectory dd 1] $f.dir.h1.h1.b1 configure \ -command "DisableEntry $aWhich dd(result1)" $f.dir.h1.h1.b2 configure \ -command "DisableEntry $aWhich dd(result1)" $f.dir.h1.h2.b3 configure \ -command "EnableEntry $aWhich ddDirectory dd(result1)" pack $f.dir.h1.h1.b1 -side left pack $f.dir.h1.h1.sp -side left ;# extra space pack $f.dir.h1.h1.b2 -side left pack $f.dir.h1.h2.b3 -side left pack $f.dir.h1.h2.v2 -side right -fill both -expand true pack $f.dir.h1.h1 -side top -fill x -expand true pack $f.dir.h1.h2 -side right -fill both -expand true pack $f.dir.sp -side top ;# extra space pack $f.dir.msg -side top # pack $f.dir.h1 -side top -padx .2c -pady .16c -fill x pack $f.dir.h1 -side top -padx .2c -fill x place $f.lbwhich -in $f.dir -anchor center \ -relx 0.5 -y -2 # Which? - end frame $f.sp2 -height .6c ;# extra space # Where? # frame $f.rep -borderwidth 4 -relief groove frame $f.rep -borderwidth 2 -relief groove frame $f.rep.sp -height .2c ;# extra space label $f.lbwhere -font {$font 10 roman} ConfigText $f.lbwhere " Where ? " message $f.rep.msg -width 10c -justify center ConfigText $f.rep.msg \ "Choose the New Repository option or enter the existing repository name." frame $f.rep.h1 frame $f.rep.h1.h1 radiobutton $f.rep.h1.h1.b1 -variable ddChoice2 \ -value new -cursor hand2 ConfigText $f.rep.h1.h1.b1 { New Repository} label $f.rep.h1.h1.lb1 -font {courier 9} label $f.rep.h1.h1.lb2 -font {courier 9} SetIndicator dd $f ;# dd $w.main.dd frame $f.rep.h1.h2 frame $f.rep.h1.h2.v2 radiobutton $f.rep.h1.h2.b2 -variable ddChoice2 \ -value repository -cursor hand2 if [string equal {} $environmentArray(ipAddress)] { set ddChoice2 repository ;# added by GJFB in 2010-08-11 $f.rep.h1.h1.b1 configure -state disabled ;# added by GJFB in 2010-08-11 $f.rep.h1.h2.b2 configure -state disabled ;# added by GJFB in 2010-08-11 } else { SetInitialValue ddChoice2 new } # key first == 0; repository first == 1 SetInitialValue ddReverse 0 SetInitialValue ddSearch 0 SetInitialValue ddSearchEntry {} SetInitialValue ddSelectedKeyRepList {} set aWhere [Selector $f.rep.h1.h2.v2 ddRepository dd 2 \ $listNameTable($ddRepository)] $f.rep.h1.h1.b1 configure \ -command "DisableEntry $aWhere dd(result2); \ $f.buttons.edit.edit configure -state normal" # puts $f.buttons.edit.edit $f.rep.h1.h2.b2 configure \ -command "EnableEntry $aWhere ddRepository dd(result2) keyRepositoryList; \ $f.buttons.edit.edit configure -state disabled" pack $f.rep.h1.h1.b1 -side left pack $f.rep.h1.h1.lb2 -side right pack $f.rep.h1.h1.lb1 -side right pack $f.rep.h1.h2.b2 -side left pack $f.rep.h1.h2.v2 -side right -fill both -expand true pack $f.rep.h1.h1 -side top -fill x -expand true pack $f.rep.h1.h2 -side top -fill both -expand true pack $f.rep.sp -side top ;# extra space pack $f.rep.msg -side top # pack $f.rep.h1 -side top -padx .2c -pady .16c -fill x pack $f.rep.h1 -side top -padx .2c -fill x place $f.lbwhere -in $f.rep -anchor center \ -relx 0.5 -y -2 # Where? - end # Get repository name if [string equal {} $environmentArray(ipAddress)] { # added by GJFB in 2010-08-11 bind $aWhich.button3.3 "GetRepName $aWhich ddDirectory .dir. dd(result1)" } else { bind $aWhich.button3.3 \ " GetRepName $aWhich ddDirectory .dir. dd(result1) set ddChoice2 new DisableEntry $aWhere dd(result2) " } # Get repository name - end frame $f.sp3 -height .3c ;# extra space # radio buttons set r [frame $f.radio] frame $r.f1 # SetInitialValue ddChoice3 copy ;# not used for security reason set ddChoice3 copy ;# used for security reason radiobutton $r.f1.r1 -variable ddChoice3 -value copy \ -cursor hand2 ConfigText $r.f1.r1 {copy the document (like Save As ...) } # the blank after (default) is to avoid the array syntax # (an array value cannot be assigned using the variable command) frame $r.f2 radiobutton $r.f2.r2 -variable ddChoice3 -value preserve \ -cursor hand2 ConfigText $r.f2.r2 \ {move the document and preserve the document folder} frame $r.f3 radiobutton $r.f3.r3 -variable ddChoice3 -value delete \ -cursor hand2 ConfigText $r.f3.r3 \ {move the document and delete the document folder} pack $r.f1 -side top -fill x -expand true pack $r.f1.r1 -side left pack $r.f2 -side top -fill x -expand true pack $r.f2.r2 -side left pack $r.f3 -side top -fill x -expand true pack $r.f3.r3 -side left if {$ddChoice1 == "directory"} { $r.f1.r1 configure -state normal $r.f2.r2 configure -state normal $r.f3.r3 configure -state normal } else { $r.f1.r1 configure -state disabled $r.f2.r2 configure -state disabled $r.f3.r3 configure -state disabled } bind $f.dir.h1.h1.b1 "\ $r.f1.r1 configure -state disabled; \ $r.f2.r2 configure -state disabled; \ $r.f3.r3 configure -state disabled\ " bind $f.dir.h1.h1.b2 "\ $r.f1.r1 configure -state disabled; \ $r.f2.r2 configure -state disabled; \ $r.f3.r3 configure -state disabled\ " bind $f.dir.h1.h2.b3 "\ $r.f1.r1 configure -state normal; \ $r.f2.r2 configure -state normal; \ $r.f3.r3 configure -state normal\ " # radio buttons - end set b [Footer $f dd(ok)] pack $f.lb -side top -pady .25c pack $f.sp1 -side top ;# extra space # pack $f.dir -side top -fill x -ipady .05c -padx .2c -pady .05c pack $f.dir -side top -fill x -padx .2c -pady .05c pack $f.sp2 -side top ;# extra space # pack $f.rep -side top -fill x -ipady .05c -padx .2c -pady .05c pack $f.rep -side top -fill x -padx .2c -pady .05c pack $f.sp3 -side top ;# extra space pack $r -side top -pady .1c pack $b -side top -pady .15c # help bind $w <1> "ProcessButton1 $f" # help - end set focus $aWhich.entry pack $f -side top -fill both -expand true pack $w.main -side top -fill both -expand true -padx 14 # wm geometry $w 368x504+0+0 # wm minsize $w 310 420 # wm maxsize $w 810 420 SetGeometry CompleteEntry $aWhich.entry ddDirectory dd(result1) check CompleteEntry $aWhere.entry ddRepository dd(result2) check if {$ddChoice2 == "repository"} { # don't allow editing the current repository metadata $w.main.dd.buttons.edit.edit config -state disabled } } # DDDialog - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DDOK # test values are 0 or 1 # 1 means just test the input syntax and add warnings # 0 means execute action proc DDOK {f test} { # runs with start global log global dd bc global ddChoice1 ddChoice2 ddChoice3 ddReverse global ddSearchEntry global ddSelectedKeyRepList global environmentArray global homePath # global serverAddress global keyRepositoryList set argument "" set argument "$argument -targetfile enable" set argument "$argument -documenttype $ddChoice1" set argument "$argument -repositorytype $ddChoice2" set argument "$argument -option $ddChoice3" set argument "$argument -reverse $ddReverse" set argument "$argument -documentpath [list $dd(result1)]" set argument "$argument -repositoryentry [list $dd(result2)]" if $test {return [DDRoutine $argument 1]} # Waiting for the completion of other repository insertions WaitQueue # Waiting for the completion of other repository insertions - end LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {\ndepositing a document ...\n}]] # To let insert message in the log set x 0; after 1 {set x 1}; vwait x # To let insert message in the log - end set dd(result1) [string trim $dd(result1)] if {$ddChoice2 == "new"} { # a new repository regsub {@.*$} $environmentArray(spMailEntry) {} administratorUserName # set metadataCaptured [GetClipboard] ;# to paste the metadata set metadataCaptured [GetClipboard {} $administratorUserName] ;# to paste the metadata # set repositoryName [CreateRepMetadataRep $ddChoice1 $dd(result1) {} $metadataCaptured enable] set repositoryName [CreateRepMetadataRep $ddChoice1 $dd(result1) {} $metadataCaptured enable {} $ddChoice3] ;# added by GJFB in 2012-06-26 - allows the use of the preserve option if [string equal {} $repositoryName] { # MakeRepository fails LeaveQueue [pid] return } set metadataRepName [Eval FindMetadataRep $repositoryName] } else { # not a new repository set return [DDRoutine $argument] if {$return == 1} { set environmentArray(ddDirectoryEntry) $dd(result1) set environmentArray(ddRepositoryEntry) $dd(result2) set environmentArray(ddChoice1) $ddChoice1 set environmentArray(ddChoice2) $ddChoice2 # set environmentArray(ddChoice3) $ddChoice3 set environmentArray(ddReverse) $ddReverse set environmentArray(ddSearchEntry) $ddSearchEntry set environmentArray(ddSelectedKeyRepList) $ddSelectedKeyRepList LeaveQueue [pid] return } if {$return == 0} { # MakeRepository fails LeaveQueue [pid] return } set repositoryName $return # Update lastupdate field in the metadata set metadataList {} set metadata2List {} # set history [Get repositoryProperties($repositoryName,history)] # set versionStamp [lindex $history end] set versionStamp [Eval GetVersionStamp $repositoryName] # set metadataRep [Eval FindMetadataRep $repositoryName] # set metadataRepList [Eval FindAllLanguageVersions $metadataRep] set metadataRepName [Eval FindMetadataRep $repositoryName] set metadataRepList [Eval FindAllLanguageVersions $metadataRepName] # foreach mRep [Eval FindAllLanguageVersions $metadataRep] foreach mRep $metadataRepList { UpdateMetadataField $mRep lastupdate $versionStamp metadataList metadata2List } if 0 { # commented by GJFB in 2020-08-18 Eval RemoveMetadata $metadata2List Eval AddMetadata $metadataList } else { Eval UpdateMetadata $metadata2List $metadataList ;# added by GJFB in 2020-08-18 - uses metadata2List and metadataList } # Update lastupdate field in the metadata - end Set saveMetadata 1 Eval PostponeSaveToDisk Eval UpdateRepositoryListForPost [concat $repositoryName $metadataRepList] } # Create the download file UpdateDownloadFile $repositoryName ;# may set saveMetadata to 1 # Create the download file - end # Update keyRepositoryList UpdateKeyRepositoryList $repositoryName if ![file isdirectory $homePath/col/$metadataRepName] { UpdateVariables $metadataRepName set metadataRepName "" } UpdateKeyRepositoryList $metadataRepName # StoreList keyRepositoryList ../auxdoc/.keyRepositoryList.tcl # Update keyRepositoryList - end set dd(result2) [AddKey $repositoryName/ $ddReverse] set environmentArray(ddDirectoryEntry) $dd(result1) set environmentArray(ddRepositoryEntry) $repositoryName/ set bcReverse $environmentArray(bcReverse) set bc(result1) [AddKey $repositoryName/ $bcReverse] set environmentArray(bcRepositoryEntry) $repositoryName/ set environmentArray(ddChoice1) $ddChoice1 set environmentArray(ddChoice2) $ddChoice2 # set environmentArray(ddChoice3) $ddChoice3 set environmentArray(ddReverse) $ddReverse set environmentArray(ddSearchEntry) $ddSearchEntry set environmentArray(ddSelectedKeyRepList) $ddSelectedKeyRepList CancelSearch $f.rep.h1.h2.v2.entry ddRepository dd(result2) # SAVE # StoreArray environmentArray ../auxdoc/.environmentArray.tcl # StoreArray environmentArray ../auxdoc/.environmentArray2.tcl ;# backup # StoreArrayWithBackup environmentArray ../auxdoc/.environmentArray.tcl ;# added by GJFB in 2010-08-05 StoreArrayWithBackup environmentArray ../auxdoc/.environmentArray.tcl w list ;# added by GJFB in 2010-08-05 ## StoreList keyRepositoryList ../auxdoc/.keyRepositoryList.tcl # SAVE - end if [info exists ddChoice3Old] {unset ddChoice3Old} ;# used in SetBackgroundEntry LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {\ndocument deposited\n}]] LeaveQueue [pid] } # DDOK - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DDCancel proc DDCancel {f} { # runs with start global keyRepositoryList CancelSearch $f.rep.h1.h2.v2.entry ddRepository dd(result2) # SAVE # StoreList keyRepositoryList ../auxdoc/.keyRepositoryList.tcl Eval SaveMetadata # SAVE - end if [info exists ddChoice3Old] {unset ddChoice3Old} ;# used in SetBackgroundEntry LoadTextLog DisplayTextLog } # DDCancel - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DDRoutine # -targetfile can be enable or disable; for document with only 1 file, # enable means to set that file as target file; # if they are more than 1 file or if the content type is Mirror, enable preserves (if any) the targetfile # given in service # disable means to remove (if any) the targetfile (from service and repositoryProperties) # default is disable # -documenttype can be "directory" or "empty" or "default" # -repositorytype can be "new" or "repository" # -option can be "copy" or "preserve" or "delete" # -reverse can be 0 or 1 ; 0 means key first (in -repositoryentry) # test value is 0 or 1 # 1 means just test the input syntax and add warnings # 0 means test the input syntax and run the routine # but doesn't add warnings # -unzip value is 0 or 1; 1 means to unzip the deposited document # -selectedfiles value is yes or no; default is yes; yes means to # -makeauxdoc value is 0 or 1; 1 means to make auxdoc directory # -makesource value is 0 or 1; 1 means to make source directory ## -copytosource value is 0 or 1; 1 means to deposit the document into the source as well # -copytosource value is 0 or 1; 1 means to deposit the document into the source (only) # -movetosource value is 0 or 1 ; 0 means don't move, 1 move the doc content to source - added by GJFB in 2016-05-10 to preserve old doc content before updating it - set in Administrator page for customizing the conference submission forms (iconet.com.br/banon/2006/ ## if -updateagreement is 1 then -copytosource is forced to 0 # -fileinfo value is 0 or 1; 1 means to create size and numberoffiles # -contenttype values are Metadata, External Contribution, ... # -documentpath value is the absolute path of the original document (eg, C:/URLib/clipboard/) # if -documentpath is == col/$repName/doc then the doc content is preserved otherwise # its old content is lost (if -deletedoccontentbeforeupdate is 1) # capture the selected files (works with tk only) # -username is the name of the advanced user who is creating the version stamp # is optional # -postsubmissionscriptreplist is a list of repositories containing scripts to process # the submitted files # is optional # -reference ==> # {%0 Misc} {%@tertiarytype } {%A aa} {%I Deposited in the URLib collection.} {%X aa} {%T tt} {%@secondarykey INPE--/} # is optional ## -deletedoccontentbeforeupdate value is 0 or 1; 1 means to delete the doc content before depositing the new document - 1 is default # -deletedoccontentbeforeupdate value is 0 or 1; 1 means to delete the doc (or source) content before depositing the new document - 1 is default # -foldername value is empty or the name of the folder (or the sequence of consecutive folders) where to # deposit the document. Empty value means to deposit the document in doc # is optional (default is empty) # -updateagreement value is 0 or 1; 1 means to update the agreement folder ## nothing done if -copytosource and -updateagreement are both 1 (they are incompatible) proc DDRoutine {argument {test {0}} {repName {}}} { # runs with start and post global zipPath global unZipPath global log # global keyRepositoryList # global repositoryProperties ;# post global environmentArray global URLibServiceRepository global defaultDocRepository global homePath global loCoInRep global loBiMiRep global col global applicationName global pwd global tcl_platform # global devLoCoInRep # global serverAddressWithIP global errorInfo upvar #0 Text::Default default upvar #0 Text::Empty empty Load $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/@enableTrace enableTrace TraceProcedure DDRoutine TraceProcedure [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y:%m.%d.%H.%M.%S] TraceProcedure [CallTrace] set pid [pid] ### if !$test {LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end {new line}]]} ;# blk line foreach {name value} $argument { eval [list set $name $value] } # puts ${-option} # puts --${-documentpath}-- # puts [CallTrace] # set xxx 2-$argument # Store xxx C:/tmp/aaa auto 0 a if {${-documenttype} == "default"} { set -documentpath $homePath/col/$defaultDocRepository/doc/ set -documenttype directory ;# DEFAULT BECOMES DIRECTORY } if ![info exists -targetfile] { set -targetfile disable } if ![info exists -unzip] { set -unzip 0 } if ![info exists -selectedfiles] { set -selectedfiles yes } if ![info exists -makeauxdoc] { set -makeauxdoc 1 } if ![info exists -makesource] { set -makesource 1 } if ![info exists -copytosource] { set -copytosource 0 } if ![info exists -movetosource] { set -movetosource 0 ;# added by GB in 2016-05-10 } if ![info exists -fileinfo] { set -fileinfo 1 } if ![info exists -contenttype] { set -contenttype {} } if ![info exists -deletedoccontentbeforeupdate] { set -deletedoccontentbeforeupdate 1 } if ![info exists -foldername] { set -foldername {} } if ![info exists -updateagreement] { set -updateagreement 0 } TraceProcedure ;# add executing time interval TraceProcedure [list -targetfile = ${-targetfile}] # if {${-copytosource} && ${-updateagreement}} { # set -copytosource 0 ;# force to 0 - when updating agreement disable copy to source option # } # making a repository if {${-repositorytype} == "new"} { # new repository if {${-documenttype} != "directory" || \ [regexp {/$} ${-documentpath}] && \ ![regexp -nocase {^[c-z]:/$|^/$} ${-documentpath}]} { ### if !$test { # make a repository if [catch {MakeRepository $repName ${-makeauxdoc} ${-makesource}} input] { # $log insert end $input\n # destroy .ddhelp # destroy .xxdirectory # destroy .xxrepository puts stderr $input puts [StoreLog {alert} {DDRoutine} "$errorInfo\n[CallTrace]"] ;# added by GJFB in 2017-03-06 return 0 ;# CreateNewRepository returns empty when DDRoutine returns 0 } set repName $input # lappend keyRepositoryList [AddKey $repName/ 0] ;# key first LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {repository <$var1> made} {} \ $repName] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var1>} -forward $repName]] 1 0 LogInsert [list [list Insert $log insert {new line}]] 0 1 # set -repositoryentry [AddKey $repName/ ${-reverse}] } } else { # improper entry - retry Retry ${-documentpath} return 1 } } else { # not a new repository if ![regexp { } ${-repositoryentry}] { # improper entry - retry if [regexp "^\[ \t]*$" ${-repositoryentry}] { # empty entry 2 - retry if [regexp "^\[ \t]*$" ${-documentpath}] { # empty entry 1 - retry Dialog OK disabled -1 DD \ {empty entries} } else { Dialog OK disabled -1 DD \ {empty entry} } return 1 } else { # not a repository - retry if ${-reverse} { # repository first Dialog OK disabled -1 DD \ {not a repository} \ ${-repositoryentry} } else { # key first Dialog OK disabled -1 DD \ {not a key} \ ${-repositoryentry} } return 1 } } else { if ${-reverse} { # repository first # Correct repository entry # Extract repName from the entry regexp {(.*) .*} \ ${-repositoryentry} m repName } else { # key first # Extract repName from the entry regexp {.* (.*)} \ ${-repositoryentry} m repName # if {[lsearch -exact $keyRepositoryList \ ${-repositoryentry}] == -1} if ![file isdirectory $homePath/col/$repName] { # improper entry - retry Dialog OK disabled -1 DD \ {not a repository} \ $repName return 1 } } } # Correct repository entry - end # the old target file must be deleted ### if !$test { if [file exists $col/$repName/service/targetFile] { Load $col/$repName/service/targetFile oldTargetFile file delete $col/$repName/service/targetFile } if [Info exists repositoryProperties($repName,targetfile)] { Unset repositoryProperties($repName,targetfile) } } } # Depositing a Document if {${-documenttype} != "directory"} { ## Default Document or Empty Document # Empty Document if {${-repositorytype} != "new"} { # not a new repository #### if $test { # warning cd $col/$repName/doc # regsub {\. \.\.} [glob -nocomplain -- * .*] {} fileList ;# not operational system robust set fileList [glob -nocomplain -- * .?*] set index [lsearch -exact $fileList {..}] set fileList [lreplace $fileList $index $index] if {$fileList != ""} { # non empty doc - warning if {${-documenttype} == "default"} { set document $default } else { set document $empty } set choice "" set choice $choice[Dialog \ {Yes No} {disabled active} {0 0} DD \ {depositing the Default or Empty Document in a non empty doc} \ $document $repName] if $choice { cd $pwd return 1 } # Delete the existing document in the doc part of the repository set fileList2 {} foreach fileName $fileList { lappend fileList2 ./$fileName ;# ~WRD0000.tmp -> ./~WRD0000.tmp - added by GJFB in 2011-03-09, otherwise ~WRD0000.tmp is interpreted as a "~user" path } set cmd "file delete -force -- $fileList2" eval $cmd # Delete the existing document in the doc part of the repository - end } } } ### if !$test { if {${-documenttype} == "default"} { # not used (default has been changed into directory, see above) # the Default Document cd $col/$repName/doc if [catch {open .www_browsable w} fileId] { puts stderr $fileId } else { puts $fileId {} close $fileId } set dn4 [lindex [file split $repName] end] if [catch {open target.html w} fileId] { puts stderr $fileId } else { puts $fileId " Target file

Target file

Current directory " close $fileId } LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {Default Document deposited\ in the repository <$var1>} {} $repName] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var1>} -forward $repName]] 1 0 LogInsert [list [list Insert $log insert {new line}]] 0 1 set targetFile target.html } else { # the Empty Document LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {Empty Document deposited in\ the repository <$var1>} {} $repName] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var1>} -forward $repName]] 1 0 LogInsert [list [list Insert $log insert {new line}]] 0 1 } } cd $pwd } else { ## neither the Default Document nor the Empty Document # not the Empty Document if {[regexp {/$} ${-documentpath}] && ![regexp -nocase {^[c-z]:/$|^/$} ${-documentpath}]} { # deposit the document # document (source) regsub {/$} ${-documentpath} {} document # docPath (destination) set docPath $homePath/col/$repName/doc set sourcePath $homePath/col/$repName/source set agreementPath $homePath/col/$repName/agreement ;# added by GJFB in 2010-12-05 if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { # set to lower in order to compare document and docPath later on # $env(DOCUMENT_ROOT) comes in lower case set document [string tolower $document] set docPath [string tolower $docPath] set sourcePath [string tolower $sourcePath] set agreementPath [string tolower $agreementPath] } # destinationHomeDirectoryPath # added by GJFB in 2012-02-17 if ${-updateagreement} { set destinationHomeDirectoryPath $agreementPath if ![file isdirectory $agreementPath] { file mkdir $agreementPath set htaccessContent {Require user administrator} Store htaccessContent $agreementPath/.htaccess Store htaccessContent $agreementPath/.htaccess2 } } else { if ${-copytosource} { set destinationHomeDirectoryPath $sourcePath } else { set destinationHomeDirectoryPath $docPath if ${-movetosource} { set sourceHomeDirectoryPath $sourcePath } } } if {${-repositorytype} != "new"} { # not a new repository # set xxx [pwd] # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt auto 0 a # cd $col/$repName/doc ;# commented by GJFB in 2012-02-17 file mkdir $destinationHomeDirectoryPath ;# for old repositories that have no source directory cd $destinationHomeDirectoryPath ;# added by GJFB in 2012-02-17 # regsub {\. \.\.} [glob -nocomplain -- * .*] {} fileList ;# not operational system robust set fileList [glob -nocomplain -- * .?*] set index [lsearch -exact $fileList {..}] set fileList [lreplace $fileList $index $index] if {$fileList != ""} { #### if {$test && [string equal $docPath $destinationHomeDirectoryPath]} { # doc # warning # non empty doc - warning set choice "" set choice $choice[Dialog \ {Yes No} {disabled active} {0 0} DD \ {depositing a document from the file system in a non empty doc} \ $document $repName] if $choice { cd $pwd return 1 } } ### if !$test { # set xxx $document # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb auto 0 a # set xxx $docPath # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb auto 0 a # if ![string equal $document $docPath] # if ![string equal $document $destinationHomeDirectoryPath] { # $document and $docPath may be the same (see Submit (ePrint) and ProcessReview) # Delete the existing document in the detination directory of the repository if ${-deletedoccontentbeforeupdate} { # if {${-deletedoccontentbeforeupdate} && !${-copytosource}} # set fileList2 {} foreach fileName $fileList { lappend fileList2 ./$fileName ;# ~WRD0000.tmp -> ./~WRD0000.tmp - added by GJFB in 2011-03-09, otherwise ~WRD0000.tmp is interpreted as a "~user" path } set cmd "file delete -force -- $fileList2" eval $cmd if ${-updateagreement} { set htaccessContent {Require user administrator} Store htaccessContent $agreementPath/.htaccess Store htaccessContent $agreementPath/.htaccess2 } } # Delete the existing document in the detination directory of the repository - end } } } cd ../doc ;# added by GJFB in 2012-02-17 } ### # puts ${-option} # puts [CallTrace] if !$test { # Search for the selected files set selectedFiles "" if [string equal yes ${-selectedfiles}] { # THIS PART RUNS ONLY WITH TK if {$applicationName == "start"} { if [winfo exists .xxdirectory] { # Find the selected files foreach tagName \ [.xxdirectory.f.t tag names] { set color [.xxdirectory.f.t tag \ cget $tagName -background] if {$color == "#000088"} { lappend selectedFiles $tagName # reset the background color because when using CreateRepMetadataRep # the created metadata repository must not have any selected files .xxdirectory.f.t tag configure \ $tagName -background #dddddd } } # Find the selected files - end } } # THIS PART RUNS ONLY WITH TK - END } # Search for the selected files - end cd ${-documentpath} ;# source - recall: regsub {/$} ${-documentpath} {} document # regsub {\. \.\.} [glob -nocomplain -- * .*] {} folderContent ;# not operational system robust set folderContent [glob -nocomplain -- * .?*] set index [lsearch -exact $folderContent {..}] set folderContent [lreplace $folderContent $index $index] # set xxx --$folderContent-- # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt auto 0 a if {$selectedFiles == ""} { # there are no selected files # web submitted files belong to this case # Drop unsecure files # security issue set flag 0 set folderContent2 {} foreach file $folderContent { if [regexp {.exe$|.php$} $file] { set flag 1 continue } lappend folderContent2 $file } if $flag { set selectedFiles $folderContent2 } else { set selectedFiles * } # Drop unsecure files - end } else { # there are selected files set folderContent2 $folderContent } if {$folderContent != ""} { # non-empty source folder # set docPath $homePath/col/$repName/doc # set xxx [list $document $docPath] # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb auto 0 a # puts ${-documentpath} ;# => C:/Gerald/URLib 2/clipboard2/ # puts --$folderContent2-- ;# => --index.zip-- # puts [list $document $destinationHomeDirectoryPath] ;# => {c:/gerald/urlib 2/clipboard2} {c:/gerald/urlib 2/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2003/} # if ![string equal $document $docPath] # if ![string equal $document $destinationHomeDirectoryPath] { # $document and $docPath may be the same (see command UpdateRepository2 in CreatePDFFile called in Submit (ePrint) and ProcessReview) # the document to deposit is not already in docPath if {[llength $folderContent2] > 1} { # the folderContent2 has MORE than one file # set xxx --$selectedFiles-- # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt auto 0 a foreach fileName $selectedFiles { if [catch {exec \ $zipPath -r \ $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/.t$pid $fileName} error] { # puts $error ;# may produce: error writing "stdout": I/O error (when starting post in unix using putty.exe and without: at now + 1 minute) StoreLog {error} {DDRoutine (1)} $::errorInfo } } # set docPath $homePath/col/$repName/doc cd $destinationHomeDirectoryPath ;# change to destination # DEPOSITE # UNZIP if [catch {exec \ $unZipPath -o \ $col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/.t$pid} error] { # puts $error ;# may produce: error writing "stdout": I/O error (when starting post in unix using putty.exe and without: at now + 1 minute) StoreLog {error} {DDRoutine (2)} $::errorInfo } if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { exec chgrp -R [lindex [exec ls -l $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/doc/post] 3] . ;# e.g., urlib } file delete $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/.t$pid } else { # the folderContent2 has zero file or just ONE file # more efficient coding # folderName2 set fileName [lindex $folderContent2 0] ;# folderContent2 is a list if [string equal {} ${-foldername}] { set folderName2 {} } else { file mkdir $destinationHomeDirectoryPath/${-foldername} set folderName2 ${-foldername}/ } # set xxx ${-unzip} # Store xxx C:/tmp/aaa auto 0 a # puts --${-unzip}-- # DEPOSITE # destinationDirectoryPath - added by GJFB in 2010-12-05 set destinationDirectoryPath $destinationHomeDirectoryPath/$folderName2 # Move to source # added by GJFB in 2016-05-10 if ${-movetosource} { # move to source cd $destinationHomeDirectoryPath ;# doc directory set docFolderContent [glob -nocomplain -- * .?*] set index [lsearch -exact $docFolderContent {..}] set docFolderContent [lreplace $docFolderContent $index $index] foreach fileName2 $docFolderContent { if ![regexp {^\.htaccess} $fileName2] { if [catch {file rename -force -- $destinationHomeDirectoryPath/$fileName2 $sourceHomeDirectoryPath/$fileName2} message] { ;# doc -> source # catch possible error in order to execute the next step (cd), otherwise pwd becomes wrong # nothing deposited StoreLog {error} {DDRoutine (4)} "nothing deposited\n$::errorInfo" } } } } # Move to source - end if ${-unzip} { # UNPACK # unzip the deposited document # set arquiveName [join [glob *]] ;# in /doc - e.g., [glob *] == {ce paper.zip} - [join [glob *]] == ce paper.zip # puts [pwd] # set fileNameList [glob *] set fileNameList [glob ${-documentpath}*] # puts --$fileNameList-- set arquiveName [lindex [Grep {.zip$|.rar$} $fileNameList -nocase] 0] ;# takes the first # puts --$arquiveName-- # deposite the document in the destination directory cd $destinationDirectoryPath ;# change to destination UnPack $arquiveName # deposite the document in the destination directory - end if {${-option} != "copy"} { file delete $arquiveName } unset arquiveName } else { # RENAME (is faster than copy) # puts RENAME # deposite the document in the destination directory # puts ${-option} ;# => preserve # puts "${-documentpath}$fileName $destinationDirectoryPath$fileName" ;# => C:/Gerald/URLib 2/clipboard2/044_96.pdf c:/gerald/urlib 2/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2003/ if {${-option} == "copy"} { # copy # added by GJFB in 2012-06-26 - useful when adding (using the URLibService window) a new repository from one containing just one file (otherwise the source file is removed because of the rename command) if [catch {file copy -force -- ${-documentpath}$fileName $destinationDirectoryPath$fileName} message] { # catch possible error in order to execute the next step (cd), otherwise pwd becomes wrong # nothing deposited StoreLog {error} {DDRoutine (3)} "nothing deposited\n$::errorInfo" } } else { if ![string equal {} $fileName] { ;# added by GJFB in 2018-08-20 - filename is empty when submitting a .exe or .php file - in this case, file rename must not be executed otherwise it renames the clipboard2 directory which must not be removed if [catch {file rename -force -- ${-documentpath}$fileName $destinationDirectoryPath$fileName} message] { # catch possible error in order to execute the next step (cd), otherwise pwd becomes wrong # nothing deposited StoreLog {error} {DDRoutine (4)} "nothing deposited\n$::errorInfo" } } } # deposite the document in the destination directory - end unset fileName } } } cd $pwd # Post-submission processing ConditionalSet postSubmissionScriptRepList -postsubmissionscriptreplist {} ConditionalSet reference -reference {} set targetFile [RunPostSubmissionScript $repName $postSubmissionScriptRepList $reference] # Post-submission processing - end if [info exists oldTargetFile] { TraceProcedure [list oldTargetFile = $oldTargetFile] } else { TraceProcedure [list oldTargetFile doesn't exist] } if [string equal {} $targetFile] { # puts --${-targetfile}-- if {${-targetfile} == "enable"} { # enable set docContent "" DirectoryContent docContent $docPath $docPath set i 0 ;# added by GJFB in 2019-12-21 (like in AjustTargetFile) foreach file $docContent { if ![regexp -nocase {^\.htaccess2?$} $file] { incr i if {$i == 2} {break} set firstFile $file } } # if {[llength $docContent] == 1} # ;# commented by GJFB in 2019-12-21 if {$i == 1} { ;# added by GJFB in 2019-12-21 to ignore the .htaccess files # set targetFile [join $docContent] set targetFile $firstFile } else { if [info exists oldTargetFile] { if {[lsearch -exact $docContent $oldTargetFile] != -1} { set targetFile $oldTargetFile } elseif {[TestContentType $repName {Mirror} $homePath]} { set targetFile mirror.cgi ;# preserve the target file (mirror.cgi) } else { # Looking for the target file name # example of target file: {*,*/*,*/*/*}.[pP][dD][fF] # example of target file: {fullpaper,*/fullpaper,*/*/fullpaper}.pdf # puts --$oldTargetFile-- set fileNameList [glob -nocomplain $homePath/col/$repName/doc/$oldTargetFile] # puts --$fileNameList-- if {[llength $fileNameList] == 1} { regsub $homePath/col/$repName/doc/ $fileNameList {} targetFile ;# {edicoes.pdf} set targetFile [join $targetFile] ;# edicoes.pdf } # puts --$targetFile-- # Looking for the target file name - end } } } } else { # disable # no target file } } if {${-option} != "copy"} { # delete the source folder content set fileList2 {} foreach fileName $folderContent { lappend fileList2 ./$fileName ;# ~WRD0000.tmp -> ./~WRD0000.tmp - added by GJFB in 2011-03-09, otherwise ~WRD0000.tmp is interpreted as a "~user" path } set cmd "file delete -force -- $fileList2" cd ${-documentpath} eval $cmd LogInsert [list [list Insert $log \ end {document\ <$var1> moved into the repository <$var2>} {} $document $repName] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var1>} -forward $document] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var2>} -forward {} $repName]] 1 0 LogInsert [list [list Insert $log insert {new line}]] 0 1 # delete - end } else { LogInsert [list [list Insert $log \ end {document\ <$var1> copied into the repository <$var2>} {} $document $repName] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var1>} -forward $document] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var2>} -forward {} $repName]] 1 0 LogInsert [list [list Insert $log insert {new line}]] 0 1 } } else { # empty source folder LogInsert [list [list Insert $log \ end {document\ <$var1> deposited in the repository <$var2>} {} $document $repName] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var1>} -forward $document] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var2>} -forward {} $repName]] 1 0 LogInsert [list [list Insert $log insert {new line}]] 0 1 } cd $pwd if {${-option} == "delete"} { # delete the folder file delete ${-documentpath} LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {document folder deleted\n}]] # delete - end } else { if {${-option} != "copy"} { LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {document folder preserved\n}]] } } } } else { # improper directory entry - retry Retry ${-documentpath} return 1 } } ### # set xxx [CallTrace] # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb auto 0 a # Store -fileinfo C:/tmp/bbb auto 0 a if !$test { if {[info exists targetFile] && $targetFile != ""} { LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {<$var1> selected as target file} \ {} $targetFile] \ [list TagAdd $log fixed9 \ {<$var1>} -forward $targetFile]] 1 0 LogInsert [list [list Insert $log insert {new line}]] 0 1 } else { # LogInsert [list [list Insert $log end \ {target file not defined\n}]] } # Create history # CREATE A NEW VERSION STAMP set docPath $homePath/col/$repName/doc ConditionalSet userName -username {} set versionStamp [CreateVersionStamp [DirectoryMTime $docPath] $userName] # history Eval UpdateHistory $repName $versionStamp # Create history - end # Set target file name # puts OK1 if {[info exists targetFile] && $targetFile != ""} { # puts $targetFile Set repositoryProperties($repName,targetfile) $targetFile # Create service/targetFile Store targetFile $col/$repName/service/targetFile # set xxx --$targetFile-- # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb auto 0 a # puts stored # Create service/targetFile - end } # puts OK2 # Set target file name - end # Create service/hostCollection StoreHostCollection $repName $loCoInRep Set repositoryProperties($repName,hostcollection) $loCoInRep # Create service/hostCollection - end # Create service/transferableFlag # set transferableFlag 1 if {([info exists loCoInRep] && [string equal $loCoInRep $repName]) || \ ([info exists loBiMiRep] && [string equal $loBiMiRep $repName])} { set transferableFlag 0 } else { set transferableFlag 1 } StoreService transferableFlag $repName transferableFlag 1 1 # Create service/transferableFlag - end # Create service/type if ![string equal {} ${-contenttype}] { set contentType ${-contenttype} Store contentType $homePath/col/$repName/service/type Set repositoryProperties($repName,type) $contentType } # Create service/type - end # Create service/size and service/numberOfFiles # set size [ComputeSize $repName] if ${-fileinfo} { foreach {size numberOfFiles} [ComputeInfo $repName] {break} # if ![string equal {0 Kbyte} $size] # if ![string equal {0 KiB} $size] { Store size $homePath/col/$repName/service/size Set repositoryProperties($repName,size) $size } if ![string equal {0} $numberOfFiles] { Store numberOfFiles $homePath/col/$repName/service/numberOfFiles Set repositoryProperties($repName,numberoffiles) $numberOfFiles } } # Create service/size and service/numberOfFiles - end # set xxx [CallTrace] # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt auto 0 a # Tcl Call Trace # 4: DDRoutine { -targetfile enable -documenttype directory -repositorytype repository -option preserve -reverse 0 -documentpath {C:/Gerald/URLib 2/clipboard2/} -repositoryentry {:: iconet.com.br/banon/2009/} -unzip 0 -selectedfiles no -username banon -postsubmissionscriptreplist {} -reference {} -deletedoccontentbeforeupdate 0 -copytosource 0 -foldername } # 3: UpdateRepository iconet.com.br/banon/2009/ directory {C:/Gerald/URLib 2/clipboard2/} enable preserve 0 banon {} {} 0 0 {} # 2: UpdateRepMetadataRep iconet.com.br/banon/2009/ iconet.com.br/banon/2009/ banon 33 preserve 0 0 {} 1 {deny from all and allow from 150.163} banon {} enable {} {} {} 0 Portuguese 0 0 {} # 1: ServeLocalCollection sock376 1129 # Tcl Call Trace - end # Create service/identifier if 0 { # now in MakeRepository - done by GJFB in 2010-07-31 if {${-repositorytype} == "new"} { if {[string equal $devLoCoInRep $loCoInRep] || [regexp {/.*@.*/.*/} $repName]} { # developing collection or not a standalone mode # puts $serverAddressWithIP foreach {ip urlibPort} [ReturnCommunicationAddress $serverAddressWithIP] {break} set dateTime [eval file join [lrange [file split $repName] 2 3]] set id [ConvertToCaseInsensitiveIdentifier $ip $urlibPort $dateTime] StoreService id $repName identifier 1 1 } } } # Create service/identifier - end return $repName } #### if $test {return 0} ;# no problem } # DDRoutine - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Retry proc Retry {var} { # runs with start and post global applicationName if {$applicationName == "post"} {return} if [regexp -nocase {^[c-z]:/$|^/$} $var] { # cannot deposit the all disk Dialog OK disabled -1 DD {all disk} return } if [regexp "^\[ \t]*$" $var] { # empty entry - retry Dialog OK disabled -1 DD {empty entry} } else { # not a directory - retry Dialog OK disabled -1 DD {not a directory} $var } } # Retry - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # MakeRepository # Makes a repository # used in DDRoutine only # makeDirectories values are 0 or 1; # if makeDirectories is 0 then no directories are made (used only when testing - see below) # if repName is not empty then MakeRepository just makes some directories (depending on makeauxdoc, makesource and makeDirectories) proc MakeRepository {repName makeauxdoc makesource {makeDirectories 1}} { # runs with start and post global col global pwd global homePath global loCoInRep ;# set first (at installation) in this procedure and then in LoadGlobalVariables # global loCoInMetadataRep ;# set in StartService # global loBiMiRep ;# set in StartService global loBiMiMetadataRep ;# set in StartService global serverAddressWithIP global installInitialCollection ;# set in start and post # global staticIPFlag ;# set in InformURLibSystem at post - added by GJFB in 2014-09-09 global environmentArray ;# added by GJFB in 2017-04-28 global applicationName global URLibServiceRepository global installationRegistrationPassword ;# set in StartService if {![info exists applicationName] || $applicationName == "start"} { source $homePath/col/$URLibServiceRepository/auxdoc/.environmentArray.tcl ;# set environmentArray(staticIPFlag) # set staticIPFlag $environmentArray(staticIPFlag) ;# set in InformURLibSystem at post - commeted by GJFB in 2017-04-28 } if 1 { # used when urlib.net is running if [string equal {} $repName] { # if [info exists loBiMiMetadataRep] # ;# commented by GJFB in 2020-05-27 ## loBiMiMetadataRep exists if [info exists loCoInRep] { ;# added by GJFB in 2020-05-27 # loCoInRep exists set loCoInRep2 $loCoInRep if [LoadService $loCoInRep registrationPassword registrationPassword 1 1] { # corrupted password error [StoreLog {alert} {MakeRepository (1)} "$loCoInRep has a corrupted registration password"] } } else { ## loBiMiMetadataRep doesn't exist - installation # loCoInRep doesn't exist - installation set loCoInRep2 {} # set registrationPassword {} set registrationPassword $installationRegistrationPassword } # if $staticIPFlag # ;# commented by GJFB in 2017-04-28 - if urlib.net was down when running post, staticIPFlag is empty # environmentArray(staticIPFlag) may be empty, then the if below produces an error (empty expression) resulting in the warning message: "Submission NOT completed..." if $environmentArray(staticIPFlag) { ;# added by GJFB in 2017-04-28 to overcome the problem of staticIPFlag being empty when urlib.net is down (see InformURLibSystem) set serviceAddress $serverAddressWithIP } else { # dynamic IP - use a service with static IP set serviceAddress urlib.net:80 } # CREATEIBI if [catch {Execute $serviceAddress [list CreateIBI $loCoInRep2 $registrationPassword] 0} m] { # couldn't open socket: connection refused # error writing "sock1884": connection refused # error writing "sock240": socket is not connected global errorInfo error [StoreLog {alert} {MakeRepository (2)} $errorInfo"] } else { if [string equal {} $m] { error [StoreLog {alert} {MakeRepository (3)} "CreateIBI returns empty while executing: [list CreateIBI $loCoInRep2 $registrationPassword]"] } foreach {repName id} $m {break} } } } else { # used when urlib.net is NOT running # urlib.net/www/2017/ # ConvertFromCaseInsensitiveIdentifier J8LNKB5R7W/3PTLMQ2 # => 800 2017/ # # urlib.net/www/2017/ # ConvertToCaseInsensitiveIdentifier 800 2017/ # => J8LNKB5R7W/3Q27M3S set makeRepository 0; after 1000 {set makeRepository 1}; vwait makeRepository set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -gmt 1] set repName urlib.net/www/$time set id [ConvertToCaseInsensitiveIdentifier 800 $time] } # set xxx [list $makeDirectories $makesource] # Store xxx C:/tmp/aaa auto 0 a cd $col if $makeDirectories { if $makeauxdoc {file mkdir $repName/auxdoc} if $makesource {file mkdir $repName/source} file mkdir $repName/doc file mkdir $repName/service if [info exists id] { StoreService id $repName identifier 1 1 } } cd $pwd # SET loCoInRep if ![info exists loCoInRep] {set loCoInRep $repName} ;# loCoInRep is the first repository to be created return $repName } if 0 { set environmentArray(spMailEntry) banon@iconet.com.br set environmentArray(domainName) iconet.com.br set environmentArray(hostName) banon-pc set environmentArray(spPortEntry) 1905 set col ../../../../.. set pwd C:/usuario/gerald/URLib/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ puts [MakeRepository {} 0 0 0] } # MakeRepository - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CreateIBI # creates IBIp # used only remotely # remoteLoCoInRep and localCollectionPassword are used to identify the client # remoteLoCoInRep is loCoInRep name of the local collection requiring an IBI # localCollectionPassword is the local collection password stored in service/registrationPassword of loCoInRep of the local collection requiring an IBI # lastRepTime value is the time of creation of the last repository # examples: # 1945/ # 2010/ # returns repName and id proc CreateIBI {remoteLoCoInRep localCollectionPassword} { # runs with post global col global environmentArray global createIBIOn ;# set in this procedure and used (only) in this procedure at the next call global lastRepTime ;# set in this procedure and used (only) in this procedure at the next call global lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond ;# set in this procedure and used (only) in this procedure at the next call global installInitialCollection ;# set by post # global localCollectionPasswordArray ;# commented by GJFB in 2020-05-23 global loCoInRep global loBiMiRep global serverAddressWithIP ;# set by post global temporalResolution ;# set in LoadGlobalVariables and used in this procedure if 0 { # commented by GJFB in 2020-05-23 # if !$installInitialCollection # ;# commented by GJFB in 2017-12-26 if {!$installInitialCollection && ![string equal $loCoInRep $remoteLoCoInRep]} { ;# added by GJFB in 2017-12-26 - to simplify installation # not installation and the client local collection is not the current local collection (i.e., the current local collection is urlib.net) if {![info exists localCollectionPasswordArray] && \ ([file exists $col/$loBiMiRep/auxdoc/localCollectionPasswordArray.tcl] || \ [file exists $col/$loBiMiRep/auxdoc/localCollectionPasswordArrayBackup.tcl])} { SourceWithBackup $col/$loBiMiRep/auxdoc/localCollectionPasswordArray.tcl localCollectionPasswordArray ;# set localCollectionPasswordArray } if ![info exists localCollectionPasswordArray($remoteLoCoInRep)] {return} ;# do nothing - unfair request - unknown local collection if ![string equal $localCollectionPassword $localCollectionPasswordArray($remoteLoCoInRep)] {return} ;# do nothing - unfair request - wrong registration key } } else { # added by GJFB in 2020-05-23 - localCollectionPasswordArray.tcl might have been changed manually (when installing a new local collection) and localCollectionPasswordArray must be up-to-date if ![string equal $loCoInRep $remoteLoCoInRep] { # the client local collection is not the current local collection (i.e., the current local collection is urlib.net) SourceWithBackup $col/$loBiMiRep/auxdoc/localCollectionPasswordArray.tcl localCollectionPasswordArray 1 ;# set localCollectionPasswordArray # localCollectionPasswordArray: loCoInRep |-> localCollectionPassword # example: set localCollectionPasswordArray(dpi.inpe.br/banon/1999/ 896322016416 # localCollectionPasswordArray must contain the local collection password of all the created local collection # if ![info exists localCollectionPasswordArray($remoteLoCoInRep)] {return} ;# commented by GJFB in 2020-05-27 if ![info exists localCollectionPasswordArray($remoteLoCoInRep)] { ;# added by GJFB in 2020-05-27 to update localCollectionPasswordArray.tcl at initial collection installation if {[info exists localCollectionPasswordArray()] && [string equal $localCollectionPassword $localCollectionPasswordArray()]} { # initial collection installation - localCollectionPasswordArray must be updated unset localCollectionPasswordArray() set localCollectionPasswordArray($remoteLoCoInRep) $localCollectionPassword StoreArrayWithBackup localCollectionPasswordArray $col/$loBiMiRep/auxdoc/localCollectionPasswordArray.tcl w list array 1 } else { return ;# do nothing - unfair request - unknown local collection } } if ![string equal $localCollectionPassword $localCollectionPasswordArray($remoteLoCoInRep)] {return} ;# do nothing - unfair request - wrong registration key } } # Waiting room global createIBI while {[info exists createIBIOn]} { set createIBI 0; after 100 {set createIBI 1}; vwait createIBI } # Waiting room - end set createIBIOn 1 ;# could be anything if {[info tclversion] > 8.4} { # new code - added by GJFB in 2011-05-01 # entier works with unlimited integer range - added by GJFB in 2011-04-23 # lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond # set currentTimeInFractionOfSecond [expr (entier([clock microseconds] / 1000000. / $temporalResolution)) / (1 / $temporalResolution)] # same code as in post set currentTimeInFractionOfSecond [expr [clock microseconds] / 1000000.] ;# ct - ex: 1337778731.322527 if ![info exists lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond] { Load ../auxdoc/lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond if [string equal {} $lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond] { set lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond [expr (entier($currentTimeInFractionOfSecond / $temporalResolution)) / (1 / $temporalResolution) - $temporalResolution] ;# [i] = 1, lrt == rct - 1, therefore s == nrt == rnrt == rct - ex: 1337778730.0 } } # CREATESUFFIX foreach {lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond suffix} [CreateSuffix $currentTimeInFractionOfSecond $lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond $temporalResolution] {break} Store lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond ../auxdoc/lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond set currentTime $suffix } else { # old code - still in use # lastRepTime if ![info exists lastRepTime] { Load ../auxdoc/lastRepTime lastRepTime if [string equal {} $lastRepTime] { set lastRepTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -gmt 1] } } # currentTime set currentTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M -gmt 1] while {[string compare $lastRepTime $currentTime] != -1} { # the above compare will work up to year 9999 - comment added by GJFB in 2010-09-19 # lastRepTime >= currentTime # while is needed because of a possible computer clock small ajustment (that is, a newer repository may exist) after 100 ;# 0.1 second delay set currentTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -gmt 1] if [regexp {00$} $currentTime] { # wait for one more second - second must not be 00 since the second value can be omitted after 1000 ;# 1 second delay set currentTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -gmt 1] } } set lastRepTime $currentTime Store lastRepTime ../auxdoc/lastRepTime } # environmentArray(spPortEntry) == {banon-pc3 800} if [regexp {(.*) +(.*)} $environmentArray(spPortEntry) m hostName urlibPortNumber] { regsub {.$} $urlibPortNumber {} httpPortNumber ;# drop the last digit } else { # old usage set hostName $environmentArray(hostName) set httpPortNumber $environmentArray(spPortEntry) } # set user $hostName@$httpPortNumber ;# could be @ ; , from the e-mail address syntax point of view - could not be , because of referenceTable (see GetCitedRepositoryList) # >>> here it is assumed that the host name doesn't contain any periods (.) if [regexp {\.} $hostName] { # host name is already a full server name, e.g., www.urlib.net banon-pc2.dpi.inpe.br regexp {^(.*?)\.(.*)$} $hostName m hostName domainName ;# www urlib.net } else { set domainName $environmentArray(domainName) } if {$httpPortNumber == 80} { set user $hostName ;# now without port 80 - change by GJFB in 2010-08-05 } else { set user $hostName.$httpPortNumber ;# now using . instead of @ - change by GJFB in 2010-08-05 - because a name with @ is recognized as an e-mail address by most of software } # repName set repName $domainName/$user/$currentTime # id foreach {ip urlibPort} [ReturnCommunicationAddress $serverAddressWithIP] {break} set dateTime [eval file join [lrange [file split $repName] 2 3]] ;# e.g., 2008/ set id [ConvertToCaseInsensitiveIdentifier $ip $urlibPort $dateTime] unset createIBIOn return [list $repName $id] } # port value depends whether the computer uses static or dynamic IP # if it uses static IP, the port value should be the port used by the resource # that is requesting IBIs - for example, when using URLibService, common port values # are 800, 802 and 19050, nevertheless, it is possible, without losing the identification # property, to drop the trailing 0, i.e., using here 80, 802 and 1905. # if it uses dynamic IP, the port value must be empty # example of created IBI (using port 80): 150.163/2.174/2010/ # example of created IBI (using port 1905): 150.163/2.174/2010/ # example of created IBI (using dynamic IP): 187.2/131.154/2010/ # not used because two clients with dynamic IP from the same domain # may each request an IBI to two different unsyncrhonized servers # (reuse of client port may be a problem in this case) proc CreateIBI2 {lastRepTime {port {}}} { # runs with post upvar clientAddress clientAddress if ![regexp {^\d{4,}/\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}(\.\d{2}|$)} $lastRepTime] { # unexpected lastRepTime return } # ip port2 foreach {ip port2} $clientAddress {break} # ip1 ip2 regexp {(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+\.\d+)} $ip m ip1 ip2 # currentTime set currentTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M -gmt 1] while {[string compare $lastRepTime $currentTime] != -1} { # lastRepTime >= currentTime # while is needed because of a possible computer clock small ajustment (that is, a newer repository may exist) after 100 ;# 0.1 second delay set currentTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -gmt 1] if [regexp {00$} $currentTime] { # wait for one more second - second must not be 00 since the second value can be omitted after 1000 ;# 1 second delay set currentTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -gmt 1] } } if [string equal {} $port] { set repName $ip1/$ip2/$currentTime-$port2 } elseif {$port == 80} { # 80 set repName $ip1/$ip2/$currentTime } else { set repName $ip1/$ip2/$currentTime-$port } return $repName } # CreateIBI - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CreateSuffix # is an implementation of Algorithm 4 presented in http://urlib.net/LK47B6W/362SFKH (p. 24) # temporalResolution (temporal granularity) value is 60 or 1 or 0.1 or 0.01 or ... 0.000001 # 60 means the resolution is at most minute # 1 means the resolution is at most second # 0.1, 0.01, ..., 0.000001 define the resolution in terms of the maximum number of digits used in the decimal fraction of second # returns shorterNewRepTime and suffix # >>> newRepTimeInFractionOfSecond (nrt) # lrt == rct - 1 if [i] = 1 # lrt == last repository time (t(][i] - 1[)) if [i] > 1 # ct == current time (t_i) # rct == round-off current time # nrt == new repository time (t'_i) = max(lrt+1, rct) (==> lrt < nrt) # unit is $temporalResolution # # + # <--------------------------> # |------------|------|-------------------|------- # 1 2 3 # ct lrt lrt+1 # rct # nrt # # + # <-----------> # |-------------------|-------|-----------|------- # 1 2 3 # lrt ct lrt+1 # rct # nrt # # [i] = 1: # - # <----------> # |-------------------|-------------------|----------|-- # 1 2 3 # lrt lrt+1 ct # rct # nrt # # - # <----------> # |-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|----------|-- # 1 2 3 4 # lrt lrt+1 ct # rct # nrt # >>> suffix (s) # rnrt == round-off nrt (up to minute) # s == suffix # s = rnrt if rnrt - lrt > 0 (lrt < rnrt) # s = nrt if rnrt - lrt <= 0 # unit is minute or second or fraction of second # # [i] = 1: # + # <-------------------> # |-------------------|-------------------|------- # 1 2 3 # lrt nrt # rnrt # s # # [i] > 1: # - # <----> # |----|-------|------|-------------------|------- # 1 2 3 # lrt nrt # rnrt # s # # + # <------> # |------------|------|-------|-----------|------- # 1 2 3 # lrt nrt # rnrt # s # # + # <--------------------------> # |------------|------|-------------------|-----|-- # 1 2 3 # lrt nrt # rnrt # s proc CreateSuffix { currentTimeInFractionOfSecond lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond temporalResolution } { # puts [list $currentTimeInFractionOfSecond $lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond] # expr 1304257193.722 + 0.001 # => 1304257193.7229998 # hence, format must be used # same code as in post set roundOffCurrentTimeInFractionOfSecond [expr (entier($currentTimeInFractionOfSecond / $temporalResolution)) / (1 / $temporalResolution)] set lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond [expr (entier($lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond / $temporalResolution)) / (1 / $temporalResolution)] ;# useful because temporalResolution may have changed and its value increased (e.g., from 0.001 to 0.1) set numberOfFractionalDigits [expr int(log10(1 / $temporalResolution))] # MAX set newRepTimeInFractionOfSecond [Max [format %.${numberOfFractionalDigits}f [expr $lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond + $temporalResolution]] $roundOffCurrentTimeInFractionOfSecond] ;# t' # puts $newRepTimeInFractionOfSecond ;# t' set delay [expr $newRepTimeInFractionOfSecond - $currentTimeInFractionOfSecond] set delayInMillisecond [expr entier($delay * 1000)] # AFTER # guarantees that the newRepTimeInFractionOfSecond will be the time of the IBI creation - unposting will occur after the last newRepTimeInFractionOfSecond # if {$delayInMillisecond > 0} {after $delayInMillisecond} ;# commented by GJFB in 2011-08-20 - does not respond to events if {$delayInMillisecond > 0} { set clicks [clock clicks] global x$clicks if [info exists x$clicks] {unset x$clicks} after $delayInMillisecond "set x$clicks 1" vwait x$clicks unset x$clicks ;# free memory } set shorterNewRepTime $newRepTimeInFractionOfSecond set s $temporalResolution while {$lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond < $shorterNewRepTime} { # puts $s set s [expr $s * 10] if {$s == 10} {set s 60.} ;# for minute set timeInFractionOfSecond $shorterNewRepTime if {$s > 60} {break} set shorterNewRepTime [expr double(entier($newRepTimeInFractionOfSecond / $s)) / (1 / $s)] } if ![regexp {^(.*)(\.)(.*)$} $timeInFractionOfSecond m seconds period fractionOfSecond] { set seconds $timeInFractionOfSecond; set fractionOfSecond 0 } set suffix [clock format $seconds -format %Y/%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -gmt 1] if {$fractionOfSecond == 0} { # expr double(entier(123.0056 * 100)) / 100 returns 123.0 regsub {\.00$} $suffix {} suffix } else { set suffix $suffix.$fractionOfSecond } return [list $timeInFractionOfSecond $suffix] } # testing AFTER if 0 { source utilities1.tcl source DDDialog.tcl set currentTimeInFractionOfSecond 1303488251.784811 set lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond 1303488254.7838 set resolution 1. CreateSuffix $currentTimeInFractionOfSecond $lastRepTimeInFractionOfSecond $resolution } # CreateSuffix - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GetRepName # Gets the repository name (if any) specified in the dd(result2) # Example: # GetRepName .window.main.dd.dir.h1.h2.v2.entry ddDirectory .dir. \ # dd(result1) proc GetRepName {widget entryName type varName} { global dd global homePath global dd.dirPostMenu global ddChoice2 if ${dd.dirPostMenu} {return} ;# the button2.2.menu is posted, don't get the rep Name # rep if ![regexp {^(.*/.*/.*/.*) .*} $dd(result2) m rep] { regexp {^.* (.*/.*/.*/.*)} $dd(result2) m rep } if ![info exists rep] {return} if [string equal $ddChoice2 new] {return} set string $homePath/col/$rep/doc/ UpdateEntry $widget $entryName $type $string $varName {} } # GetRepName # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # RunPostSubmissionScript # returns the target file name specified within the last script # Examples of repositories containing post submission scripts: # iconet.com.br/banon/2005/ (A script to process the INPE Clippings) # iconet.com.br/banon/2005/ (A script to process the INPE CRI-Clippings) proc RunPostSubmissionScript {repName postSubmissionScriptRepList reference} { global homePath set targetFile {} foreach rep $postSubmissionScriptRepList { if ![file isdirectory $homePath/col/$rep] {continue} source $homePath/col/$rep/doc/script.tcl ;# for test # if {[string compare {} [info commands ${rep}::Scriptsource]] == 0} {source $homePath/col/$rep/doc/script.tcl} if {[string compare {} [info commands ${rep}::Script]] == 0} {source $homePath/col/$rep/doc/script.tcl} # EXECUTE set targetFile [${rep}::Script $repName $reference] } return $targetFile } # RunPostSubmissionScript - end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # UnPack # unpacks arquiveName in the current directory # used by DDRoutine only proc UnPack {arquiveName} { global unZipPath global unRarPath global tcl_platform set fileExtension [file extension $arquiveName] if {[string equal -nocase {.zip} $fileExtension]} { # zip file # puts OK # -o is for overwriting (needed when -deletedoccontentbeforeupdate is 0) # -P xxx is for skipping encrypted file in zip (unless the password was xxx) # UNZIP # security issue - drop unsecure files if [string equal {} $unZipPath] { # puts {UnPack: unzip not found} ;# may produce: error writing "stdout": I/O error (when starting post in unix using putty.exe and without: at now + 1 minute) StoreLog {alert} {UnPack} {unzip not found} } else { if [catch {exec $unZipPath -o -P xxx $arquiveName -x *.php *.exe} error] { # puts "UnPack: $error" ;# may produce: error writing "stdout": I/O error (when starting post in unix using putty.exe and without: at now + 1 minute) StoreLog {alert} {UnPack} $error } } } elseif {[string equal -nocase {.rar} $fileExtension]} { # rar file # UNRAR if [string equal {} $unRarPath] { # puts {UnPack: unrar not found} ;# may produce: error writing "stdout": I/O error (when starting post in unix using putty.exe and without: at now + 1 minute) StoreLog {alert} {UnPack} {unrar not found} } else { if [catch {exec $unRarPath e $arquiveName -x@'*.php,*.exe'} error] { # puts "UnPack: $error" ;# may produce: error writing "stdout": I/O error (when starting post in unix using putty.exe and without: at now + 1 minute) StoreLog {alert} {UnPack} $error } } } if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { # permissions of stored directories are restored under Unix and they might be inadequate exec chmod -R g+r . exec chmod -R o+r . exec chmod -R g+w . } } # UnPack - end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------